Mia Bauman Wins A 2013 Blackboard Award For Teachers

What are some key joys and challenges of being a preschool teacher?

There are an abundance of joys felt on a daily basis when teaching preschool-aged children. Some of these include: feeling the unconditional love from the children during the school day, getting to know each child on a personal basis, watching the children solve problems independently, hearing a child teach another child about what they have learned, and hearing from parents of past students that their children are excelling, growing and shining in kindergarten or first grade.

Although teaching preschool is joyful and amazing, there are definitely some challenges that are to be faced. Helping each child progress both socially and emotionally can be a challenge, as well as ensuring that there is an element of fun coupled with learning during each and every moment of the school day.

Tell us about any projects or special initiatives that you are most proud of this year.

Two projects in particular which the children undertook were their large-scale Intrepid sculpture as well as individual clay models of planes found on the Intrepid. After a class visit to the famous WWII aircraft carrier, the children then decided as a class to build it using common recyclable materials such as used bottles, cartons, and boxes.

Over the course of your career, what do you consider some of the greatest accomplishments to date?

Over my six-year teaching career, one of my greatest accomplishments has been to witness and facilitate each child’s increase in emotional intelligence and associated life skills. It has been one of my missions as a teacher to provide each child with the emotional tools that he or she needs to succeed in life. Each year, I feel overwhelmed with joy when I see the social and emotional growth that each and every child has achieved.

What drives you and keeps you motivated to continue your hard work as a teacher on a daily basis?

Observing the social, emotional, physical, and academic growth of each child keeps me motivated to continue my hard work. Seeing the children achieve something and be proud of themselves—whatever the accomplishment may be, no matter how big or how small—makes me so excited, happy, and motivated to complete the job as best as I possibly can.

For more information about the Blackboard Awards, visit blackboardawards.com

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