
Have You Toured the JCC Nursery School?

Have You Toured the JCC Nursery School?

Your toddler has just begun taking their first steps, and now, all of a sudden, it’s time to think preschool! Where did the time go?

The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan understands this overwhelming process and wants to make it easy for families to learn about our educational philosophy and approach to early childhood learning. The preschool is an inclusive, progressive, Reggio Emilia-inspired program that embraces families from all backgrounds. Jewish values and traditions are interwoven into everything we do. Teachers work collaboratively to create experiences that spark wonder and creativity, build confidence and skills, and encourage children to be question-askers. 

Have You Toured the JCC Nursery School?
The Carole and Saul Zabar Nursery School at the JCC on April 20th, 2023.

Tours are open for prospective families to register for and provide an opportunity to meet our outstanding educators, engage with the curriculum, ask questions, and observe students immersed in activities that inspire creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning. 

Have You Toured the JCC Nursery School?
The Carole and Saul Zabar Nursery School at the JCC on April 20th, 2023.

Here is a quick overview of the nursery school application process:

Step 1: Register for your tour from the available dates listed here.

Step 2: Attend a tour, see the classrooms, ask questions, and learn all about the nursery school.

Step 3: Complete an application and schedule a parent interview after the tour.

Step 4: Await notification of an offer from the school, which will be on Thursday, February 29, with the parent reply deadline of Thursday, March 7.

Have You Toured the JCC Nursery School?
The Carole and Saul Zabar Nursery School at the JCC on April 20th, 2023.

There are so many choices; and it can be overwhelming to think about making this big decision for your young child. The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School encourages you to schedule a tour today or contact Erica Held, Director of Admissions, with any questions!

A child must turn two before September 1, 2024, to qualify for The Saul and Carole Zabar Nursery School. However, the JCC has excellent pre-nursery classes and programs for those younger than two, which you can explore here


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