Fusion Academy, a school for children who feel anxious about or are having trouble in school, opens three new locations in Manhattan, Westchester, and Long Island. The school features one-on-one style classrooms, individualized learning plans, and support for the student and their family.
If your child feels anxious or is having trouble in school, Fusion Academy may be just what your child needs. The school is for students grades 6-12 and features one-on-one classes, individual schedules, and support not only for the students, but for the families as well. Fusion will be opening three new campuses in Manhattan, Westchester, and Long Island starting mid-July. The Manhattan and Long Island locations will be opening for part-time students in mid-July, and will be open to full-time students starting Sept. 2. The Westchester location will be open Jan. 2, 2013.
“We work with students who have had challenges or are anxious about school, and we very quickly turn them around and get them excited about school, so they can see themselves as having potential,” says Francisco Ayala, the head of Fusion Academy in Manhattan.
Fusion Academy features a one-on-one style classroom; students work with a teacher privately in each class and have schedules designed to fit their needs. Another unique program in the school is the “Homework Café”; students finish their individualized homework after class everyday in a space with tutors who help them complete the work and sign off on it before they leave for the day. The program allows students to spend more time after school concentrating on extracurricular activities, or just to spend more time with their family. Fusion makes sure that art and music are big parts of the curriculum, and that students get a great amount of social interaction with their peers, despite the one-on-one classroom model.