Ever wish your child would just stop growing for a minute?
That his little fingers and toes would stay exactly the way they are? That her
first scribbles could be displayed in MoMA for all of eternity? — We may not be
able to stop Father Time or admit toddler artistry to a museum-level sanctuary,
but a child’s tiny fingerprint, footprint, handprint or artwork can be captured
in its own special way with Smallprint
jewelry. Smallprint takes your
treasured memento and imprints it in precious metal clay to create a unique
gift for a sentimental friend or relative. Starting at $55, these handcrafted
pieces can be made into virtually any jewelry you wish, including necklaces,
bracelets, pendants, key chains or cufflinks. And at a time when things seem to
be ever-increasingly mass produced, a personal touch can make an ordinary gift
extra special.
Pieces are fine silver. Starting at $55, smallprint.com