“The Magical World of Strega Nona,” six children’s stories featuring author-illustrator Tomie dePaola’s wise, nurturing title character, will be treasured by kids ages 5–8.
In addition to the Caldecott Medal-winning “Strega Nona,” the collection also includes “Strega Nona’s Gift” — a story about how Nona celebrates Epiphany, the Italian holidays on Jan. 5 and 6, and how bungling Big Anthony has his own epiphany.
The hefty tome includes a map of Nona’s Calabrian village, kid-friendly Italian recipes, and pasta cooking tips. It includes a CD featuring dePaola reading “Strega Nona: Her Story.”
“The Magical World of Strega Nona” is a spellbinding collection, but it’s up to you to provide the “ingrediente segreto,” the secret ingredient: love!
“The Magical World of Strega Nona,” $40, www.barne