Knee Deep
March 21-30
[Ages 7 & Up]
Head over to the New Victory Theatre to witness feats of strength and finesse from Casus, Australia’s popular contemporary circus company. The talented foursome will execute an exciting combination of acrobatics and aerial stunts. Starting at $14; various times and dates; 209 W 42nd Street; 646-223 -3010, newvictory.org
Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights
March 29
[All ages]
Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights are hitting up Symphony Space with a collection of catchy rock tunes that will have the whole family humming along. Embraced by music lovers of all ages, the band is known for its witty, whimsical lyrics, with songs about topics like UFO discoveries, eating tofurky on Thanksgiving, and watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly. Adults $20, kids $13; 11am & 2pm. 2537 Broadway, 212-864-1414, symphonyspace.org
Bring the kids over to Carnegie Hall for an exotic blend of African folk music that’s infectiously joyful. Regina Carter is an award-winning jazz vocalist who gives traditional African music a contemporary flair with her new album “Reverse Thread.” With the help of added melodies from the accordion and kora, a West African harp, she creates instrumentals that are stunning and soulful. From $12; 1pm. 881 7th Avenue, 212-247-7800, carnegiehall.org
Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs
April 5 to January 5, 2015
[All ages]
For about 150 million years, pterosaurs virtually ruled the skies. The first vertebrates to develop the ability for powered flight, they ranged in size from as small as a common sparrow to as big as a fighter jet. Now, get a chance to learn all about these ancient creatures with the American Museum of Natural History’s new exhibit. Adults $27, children ages 2-12 $16; various start times between 10:30am & 4:30pm. Central Park West at 79th Street, 212-769-5100, amnh.org
Sakura Matsuri
April 26-27
[All ages]
Visit the enchanting Brooklyn Botanical Garden to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of spring with the annual cherry blossom festival. This cheerful event commemorates the end of Hanami, a Japanese tradition that involves taking time to cherish every moment of the season’s beautiful flowers as they come into bloom. Adults $20, students & seniors $15, children under 12 free; 10am-6pm. 1000 Washington Avenue, 718-623-7200, bbg.org
Carnival of the Animals
May 3, 4, 10, & 11
[Ages 2 & Up]
New York Theatre Ballet has the perfect treat for the family just in time for Mother’s Day. Set in a magical forest, Queen Diana and her lion companion have reign over a menagerie of gentle animals that all live together in harmony—at least, until two lost children come along and change everything! Adults $40, children $35; various start times between 11am and 3:30pm. Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th Street, 212-355-6160, nytb.org
Dear Albert Einstein
May 3-18
[Ages 8 & Up]
Making Books Sing will be charming families with a musical that’s all about girl power! Set to rock n’ roll, swing, and classical music, the show takes its audience back to 1954 to meet 12-year-old Susan, a math enthusiast just entering junior high. When Susan finds herself torn between following her passion and fitting in with the rest of the girls in her class, visions of her role model Albert Einstein help her find the courage to listen to her heart. Premium seating $45; General seating $25; various times and dates; 340 East 46th Street, 212-573-8791, makingbookssing.org