As we start a new school year, it’s important to keep your kid’s brains working after that final school bell—whether that means more educational courses or participating in physical or artistic activities! We’ve rounded up some of the best spots to take classes in NYC by age group.
14th Street Y, 14streety.org
92Y, 92y.org
Applause New York, applauseny.com
apple seeds, songsforseeds.com
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Baby Fingers, mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East, balletacademyeast.com
The Ballet Club, theballetclub.com
Bija Kids, bijakids.com
Bilingual Birdies, bilingualbirdies.com
Book Nook Enrichment NYC, booknooknyc.com
Brooklyn Robot Foundry, brooklynrobotfoundry.com
Carousel of Languages, carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), cmom.org
Church Street School for Music and Art, churchstreetschool.org
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, rodephsholom.org/youngfamilies
The Craft Studio, craftstudionyc.com
Creative Play For Kids, creativeplayforkids.com
Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance, cumbedance.org
Diller-Quaile School of Music, diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
Downtown Dance Factory, downtowndancefactory.com
Eastside Westside Music Together, eswsmusictogether.com
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Green Ivy Enrichment, greenivyenrichment.com
Gymboree Music, gymboreeclasses.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues, gymtime.net
Hands On!, handsonformusic.com
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
Kids In Sports, ues.kidsinsports.com
Kids’ MusicRound, kidsmusicround.com
Kidville, kidville.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Lavender Blues, lavenderbluesmusic.com
Little Maestros, littlemaestros.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
My Gym, mygym.com
MusiBambino, musibambino.com
Music for Aardvarks, musicforaardvarks.com
Music Together in the City, musictogethernyc.com
NYC Elite Gymnastics, nycelite.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Physique Swim School, physiqueswimming.com
Planet Han, planethanchinese.com
Poppyseed Pre-Nursery, poppyseedprenursery.com
The Prenatal Yoga Center, prenatalyogacenter.com
PROnatal Fitness, pronatalfitness.com
The School at Peridance, peridance.com
The School at Steps, stepsnyc.com/the-school-at-steps
SocRoc, jcsocroc.com
Super Soccer Stars, newyork.supersoccerstars.com
SwimJim, swimjim.com
Take Me To the Water, takemetothewater.com
Third Street Music School Settlement, thirdstreetmusicschool.org
TLB Music, tlbmusic.com
Turtle Bay Music School, tbms.org
WeBop at Jazz at Lincoln Center, academy.jazz.org/webop
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
YMCA NYC, ymcanyc.org
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com

14th Street Y, 14streety.org
92Y, 92y.org
The Ailey School, theaileyschool.edu
American Ballet Theatre, abt.org
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), amnh.org
American Youth Dance Theater, aydt.nyc
Applause New York, applauseny.com
apple seeds, songsforseeds.com
Atlantic Acting School, atlanticactingschool.org
The Art Farm, theartfarms.org
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Baby Fingers, mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East, balletacademyeast.com
The Ballet Club, theballetclub.com
Ballet Hispanico, ballethispanico.org
Bija Kids, bijakids.com
Bilingual Birdies, bilingualbirdies.com
Book Nook Enrichment NYC, booknooknyc.com
Bright Kids, bright-kids.com
Broadway Dance Center, broadwaydancecenter.com
Brooklyn Robot Foundry, brooklynrobotfoundry.com
Bumblebee Tennis, bumblebeetennis.com
Carousel of Languages, carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com
Chess At Three, chessat3.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), cmom.org
Church Street School for Music and Art, churchstreetschool.org
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Collina Italiana, collinaitaliana.com
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, rodephsholom.org/youngfamilies
The Craft Studio, craftstudionyc.com
Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance, cumbedance.org
Diller-Quaile School of Music, diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
Downtown Dance Factory, downtowndancefactory.com
Eastside Westside Music Together, eswsmusictogether.com
EBL Coaching, eblcoaching.com
Fastbreak Kids, fastbreakkids.com
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Freshmade NYC, freshmadenyc.com
Green Ivy Enrichment, greenivyenrichment.com
Gymboree Music, gymboreeclasses.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues, gymtime.net
Hands On!, handsonformusic.com
HudsonWay Immersion School, hwis.org
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Joffrey Ballet School, joffreyballetschool.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
Kate Tempesta’s Urban Golf Academy, ktuga.com
Kids At Art, kidsatartnyc.com
Kids In Sports, ues.kidsinsports.com
Kids’ MusicRound, kidsmusicround.com
Kidville, kidville.com
Kulinary Kids, kulinarykidsnyc.com
Kumon, kumon.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Lucy Moses School at Kaufman Music Center, kaufmanmusiccenter.org/lms
Lyons Den Power Cub Yoga, lyonsdenpoweryoga.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
Manhattan Tennis Academy, manhattantennisacademy.com
Modern Martial Arts NYC, mmanewyorkcity.com
MusiBambino, musibambino.com
Music for Aardvarks, musicforaardvarks.com
Music Together in the City, musictogethernyc.com
My Gym, mygym.com
NYC Elite Gymnastics, nycelite.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
Physique Swim School, physiqueswimming.com
Planet Han, planethanchinese.com
Private Picassos, privatepicassos.com
Riverside Music Studios, riversidemusicstudios.com
RoboFun, robofun.org
The School at Peridance, peridance.com
The School at Steps, stepsnyc.com/the-school-at-steps
School for Strings, schoolforstrings.org
SciTech Kids, sci-techkids.com
SocRoc, jcsocroc.com
SPORTIME Randall’s Island, sportimeny.com
Super Soccer Stars, newyork.supersoccerstars.com
SwimJim, swimjim.com
TADA! Youth Theater, tadatheater.com
Take Me To the Water, takemetothewater.com
Taste Buds Kitchen, tastebudskitchen.com
Tennis Innovators, tennisinnovators.com
Third Street Music School Settlement, thirdstreetmusicschool.org
TLB Music, tlbmusic.com
Turtle Bay Music School, tbms.org
Voilà Chocolat, voila-chocolat.com
WeBop at Jazz at Lincoln Center, academy.jazz.org/webop
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
Willan Academy of Music, willanacademy.com
YMCA NYC, ymcanyc.org
Yorkville Youth Athletic Association, yyaa.org
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com

14th Street Y, 14streety.org
92Y, 92y.org
The Ailey School, theaileyschool.edu
Advantage Tennis Clubs, advantagetennisclubs.com
American Ballet Theatre, abt.org
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), amnh.org
American Youth Dance Theater, aydt.nyc
Applause New York, applauseny.com
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Atlantic Acting School, atlanticactingschool.org
Baby Fingers, mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East, balletacademyeast.com
The Ballet Club, theballetclub.com
Ballet Hispanico, ballethispanico.org
Basketball Stars of New York, basketballstars.com
Beam Center, beamcenter.org
Bija Kids, bijakids.com
Bilingual Birdies, bilingualbirdies.com
Book Nook Enrichment NYC, booknooknyc.com
Bright Horizons, brighthorizons.com
Bright Kids, bright-kids.com
Broadway Dance Center, broadwaydancecenter.com
Brooklyn Robot Foundry, brooklynrobotfoundry.com
Bumblebee Tennis, bumblebeetennis.com
Carousel of Languages, carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com
Chess At Three, chessat3.com
Chess NYC, chessnyc.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), cmom.org
Church Street School for Music and Art, churchstreetschool.org
CodeAdvantage, codeadvantage.org
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Collina Italiana, collinaitaliana.com
Come Join the BAND!, comejointheband.com
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, rodephsholom.org/youngfamilies
Construction Kids, constructionkids.com
The Craft Studio, craftstudionyc.com
Diller-Quaile School of Music, diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
Downtown Dance Factory, downtowndancefactory.com
EBL Coaching, eblcoaching.com
Ellen Robbins Dance, ellenrobbinsdance.com
Fastbreak Kids, fastbreakkids.com
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Freshmade NYC, freshmadenyc.com
Gaga Center, gagacenter.com
Generation Code, generationcode.com
German American School, german-american-school.org
Gotham Tennis, gothamtennis.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues, gymtime.net
HudsonWay Immersion School, hwis.org
HYPOTHEkids, hypothekids.org
International Ivy, iisummer.com
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Joffrey Ballet School, joffreyballetschool.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
Kate Tempesta’s Urban Golf Academy, ktuga.com
Kids At Art, kidsatartnyc.com
Kids In Sports, ues.kidsinsports.com
Kidville, kidville.com
Kulinary Kids, kulinarykidsnyc.com
Kumon, kumon.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Lil Yogis, lilyogisnyc.com
Loop of the Loom, loopoftheloom.com
Lucy Moses School at Kaufman Music Center, kaufmanmusiccenter.org/lms
Lyons Den Power Cub Yoga, lyonsdenpoweryoga.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
Manhattan Tennis Academy, manhattantennisacademy.com
Manhattan Youth Ballet, manhattanyouthballet.org
Martial Arts Family Studio, familymas.com
Mathnasium, mathnasium.com
Modern Martial Arts NYC, mmanewyorkcity.com
My Gym, mygym.com
North Sky Kung Fu, northskykungfu.com
NY Chess Kids, nychesskids.com
NYC Elite Gymnastics, nycelite.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
PandaTree, pandatree.com
Physique Swim School, physiqueswimming.com
Pixel Academy, pixelacademy.org
Planet Han, planethanchinese.com
Private Picassos, privatepicassos.com
Riverside Music Studios, riversidemusicstudios.com
RoboFun, robofun.org
The School at Peridance, peridance.com
The School at Steps, stepsnyc.com/the-school-at-steps
The School of American Ballet, sab.org
SciTech Kids, sci-techkids.com
Shooting Stars NYC, shootingstarsnyc.com
Smash Studios, smashstudios.com
SocRoc, jcsocroc.com
SPORTIME Randall’s Island, sportimeny.com
Super Soccer Stars, newyork.supersoccerstars.com
SwimJim, swimjim.com
TADA! Youth Theater, tadatheater.com
Take Me To the Water, takemetothewater.com
Taste Buds Kitchen, tastebudskitchen.com
TEKintellect, tekintellect.com
Tennis Innovators, tennisinnovators.com
Third Street Music School Settlement, thirdstreetmusicschool.org
Turtle Bay Music School, tbms.org
Voilà Chocolat, voila-chocolat.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
Willan Academy of Music, willanacademy.com
YMCA NYC, ymcanyc.org
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com
Yorkville Youth Athletic Association, yyaa.org
Zaniac Learning, zaniaclearning.com
114th Street Y, 14streety.org
92Y, 92y.org
Advantage Tennis Clubs, advantagetennisclubs.com
The Ailey School, theaileyschool.edu
American Ballet Theatre, abt.org
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), amnh.org
American Youth Dance Theater, aydt.nyc
Applause New York, applauseny.com
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Atlantic Acting School, atlanticactingschool.org
Baby Fingers, mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East, balletacademyeast.com
The Ballet Club, theballetclub.com
Ballet Hispanico, ballethispanico.org
Basketball Stars of New York, basketballstars.com
Beam Center, beamcenter.org
Bright Horizons, brighthorizons.com
Bright Kids, bright-kids.com
Broadway Dance Center, broadwaydancecenter.com
Brooklyn Robot Foundry, brooklynrobotfoundry.com
Bumblebee Tennis, bumblebeetennis.com
Carousel of Languages, carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com
Chess At Three, chessat3.com
Chess NYC, chessnyc.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), cmom.org
Church Street School for Music and Art, churchstreetschool.org
CodeAdvantage, codeadvantage.org
Coding Space, thecodingspace.com
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Collina Italiana, collinaitaliana.com
Come Join the BAND!, comejointheband.com
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, rodephsholom.org/youngfamilies
Construction Kids, constructionkids.com
The Craft Studio, craftstudionyc.com
Diller-Quaile School of Music, diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
Downtown Dance Factory, downtowndancefactory.com
EBL Coaching, eblcoaching.com
Ellen Robbins Dance, ellenrobbinsdance.com
Fastbreak Kids, fastbreakkids.com
Fhitting Room Kids, fhittingroom.com
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Freshmade NYC, freshmadenyc.com
Gaga Center, gagacenter.com
Generation Code, generationcode.com
German American School, german-american-school.org
Gotham Tennis, gothamtennis.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues, gymtime.net
HudsonWay Immersion School, hwis.org
HYPOTHEkids, hypothekids.org
I2 camps, i2camp.org
ibidPREP, ibidprep.com
International Ivy, iisummer.com
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Joffrey Ballet School, joffreyballetschool.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
Kate Tempesta’s Urban Golf Academy, ktuga.com
Kids At Art, kidsatartnyc.com
Kids In Sports, ues.kidsinsports.com
Kulinary Kids, kulinarykidsnyc.com
Kumon, kumon.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Lil Yogis, lilyogisnyc.com
Loop of the Loom, loopoftheloom.com
Lucy Moses School at Kaufman Music Center, kaufmanmusiccenter.org/lms
Lyons Den Power Cub Yoga, lyonsdenpoweryoga.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
Manhattan Tennis Academy, manhattantennisacademy.com
Manhattan Youth Ballet, manhattanyouthballet.org
Martial Arts Family Studio, familymas.com
Mathnasium, mathnasium.com
Modern Martial Arts NYC, mmanewyorkcity.com
My Gym, mygym.com
North Sky Kung Fu, northskykungfu.com
NY Chess Kids, nychesskids.com
NYC Elite Gymnastics, nycelite.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
PandaTree, pandatree.com
Physique Swim School, physiqueswimming.com
Pixel Academy, pixelacademy.org
Planet Han, planethanchinese.com
Private Picassos, privatepicassos.com
Riverside Music Studios, riversidemusicstudios.com
RoboFun, robofun.org
The School at Peridance, peridance.com
The School at Steps, stepsnyc.com/the-school-at-steps
The School of American Ballet, sab.org
SciTech Kids, sci-techkids.com
Shooting Stars NYC, shootingstarsnyc.com
Smash Studios, smashstudios.com
SocRoc, jcsocroc.com
SPORTIME Randall’s Island, sportimeny.com
Super Soccer Stars, newyork.supersoccerstars.com
SwimJim, swimjim.com
TADA! Youth Theater, tadatheater.com
Take Me To the Water, takemetothewater.com
Taste Buds Kitchen, tastebudskitchen.com
TEKintellect, tekintellect.com
Tennis Innovators, tennisinnovators.com
Third Street Music School Settlement, thirdstreetmusicschool.org
Turtle Bay Music School, tbms.org
Voilà Chocolat, voila-chocolat.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
Willan Academy of Music, willanacademy.com
YMCA NYC, ymcanyc.org
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com
Yorkville Youth Athletic Association, yyaa.org
Zaniac Learning, zaniaclearning.com

14th Street Y, 14streety.org
92Y, 92y.org
Advantage Tennis Clubs, advantagetennisclubs.com
The Ailey School, theaileyschool.edu
American Ballet Theatre, abt.org
American Youth Dance Theater, aydt.nyc
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), amnh.org
Asphalt Green, asphaltgreen.org
Applause New York, applauseny.com
Atlantic Acting School, atlanticactingschool.org
Baby Fingers, mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East, balletacademyeast.com
The Ballet Club, theballetclub.com
Ballet Hispanico, ballethispanico.org
Basketball Stars of New York, basketballstars.com
Beam Center, beamcenter.org
Bright Horizons, brighthorizons.com
Bright Kids, bright-kids.com
Broadway Dance Center, broadwaydancecenter.com
Bumblebee Tennis, bumblebeetennis.com
Carousel of Languages, carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers, chelseapiers.com
Chess At Three, chessat3.com
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA), cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), cmom.org
Church Street School for Music and Art, churchstreetschool.org
CodeAdvantage, codeadvantage.org
Coding Space, thecodingspace.com
Columbus Gym, columbusgymnyc.com
Collina Italiana, collinaitaliana.com
Come Join the BAND!, comejointheband.com
Congregation Rodeph Sholom, rodephsholom.org/youngfamilies
Diller-Quaile School of Music, diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs, discoveryprograms.com
Downtown Dance Factory, downtowndancefactory.com
EBL Coaching, eblcoaching.com
Ellen Robbins Dance, ellenrobbinsdance.com
Fastbreak Kids, fastbreakkids.com
Fhitting Room Kids, fhittingroom.com
French Institute Alliance Française, fiaf.org
Freshmade NYC, freshmadenyc.com
Generation Code, generationcode.com
German American School, german-american-school.org
Gotham Tennis, gothamtennis.com
I2 camps, i2camp.org
ibidPREP, ibidprep.com
International Ivy, iisummer.com
JCC Manhattan, jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym, jodisgym.com
Joffrey Ballet School, joffreyballetschool.com
Karma Kids Yoga, karmakidsyoga.com
Kate Tempesta’s Urban Golf Academy, ktuga.com
Kids In Sports, ues.kidsinsports.com
Kulinary Kids, kulinarykidsnyc.com
Kumon, kumon.com
LAUNCH Math & Science, launchmath.com
Lil Yogis, lilyogisnyc.com
Loop of the Loom, loopoftheloom.com
Lucy Moses School at Kaufman Music Center, kaufmanmusiccenter.org/lms
Lyons Den Power Cub Yoga, lyonsdenpoweryoga.com
Manhattan Movement & Arts Center, manhattanmovement.com
Manhattan Tennis Academy, manhattantennisacademy.com
Manhattan Youth Ballet, manhattanyouthballet.org
Martial Arts Family Studio, familymas.com
Mathnasium, mathnasium.com
Modern Martial Arts NYC, mmanewyorkcity.com
North Sky Kung Fu, northskykungfu.com
NY Chess Kids, nychesskids.com
NYC Elite Gymnastics, nycelite.com
NY Kids Club, nykidsclub.com
PandaTree, pandatree.com
Physique Swim School, physiqueswimming.com
Pixel Academy, pixelacademy.org
Planet Han, planethanchinese.com
Private Picassos, privatepicassos.com
Riverside Music Studios, riversidemusicstudios.com
RoboFun, robofun.org
The School at Peridance, peridance.com
The School at Steps, stepsnyc.com/the-school-at-steps
The School of American Ballet, sab.org
SciTech Kids, sci-techkids.com
Shooting Stars NYC, shootingstarsnyc.com
Smash Studios, smashstudios.com
SocRoc, jcsocroc.com
SPORTIME Randall’s Island, sportimeny.com
Super Soccer Stars, newyork.supersoccerstars.com
SwimJim, swimjim.com
TADA! Youth Theater, tadatheater.com
Take Me To the Water, takemetothewater.com
Taste Buds Kitchen, tastebudskitchen.com
TEKintellect, tekintellect.com
Tennis Innovators, tennisinnovators.com
Third Street Music School Settlement, thirdstreetmusicschool.org
Turtle Bay Music School, tbms.org
Voilà Chocolat, voila-chocolat.com
Wildlife Conservation Society, wcs.org
Willan Academy of Music, willanacademy.com
YMCA NYC, ymcanyc.org
Yogi Beans, yogibeans.com
Yorkville Youth Athletic Association, yyaa.org
Zaniac Learning, zaniaclearning.com