In “New York, New Year,” the crew at TADA Youth Theatre for a brand new musical, tells the tale of teenager Tess, who travels to the big city from Missouri to see if she can make it after all. Will Tess find her place in this new world?
Find out with your 3-year-old or older now through May 21. For kids 5 and up, check out special interactive performances on May 7 and May 20 which — for five dollars more — offer a song and dance lesson with members of the cast.
New York New Year, now through May 21. Performances; May 6, 7, 13, 20 and 21, 2 pm and 4 pm; May 12, and 19, 7 pm. Tickets are $15; $25 adults.
TADA! Youth Theater [15 West 28th St. between Broadway and Fifth Avenue in Chelsea; (212) 252–1619 X4; www.tadat