Geleeo’s critically acclaimed self-cooling stroller liner is an absolute must for this summer. Winner of the 2014 Family Choice Award and Creative Child Magazine’s Product of the Year Award, Geleeo is incredibly ecofriendly with no energy, freezing or battery necessary for use. Even better, the liner is one size fits all so there is zero hassle when it comes to finding the right Geleeo for your toddler’s stroller!
Born from one mom’s struggle with keeping her toddler cool in the summer heat, Geleeo uses state of the art cooling gel that is designed to stay chilled without refrigeration. While some strollers promise breathable fabric or sun-protecting hoods, no other product exists that accomplishes the same tasks as Geleeo. And because the liner is designed by a mom who knows firsthand how fussy toddlers can be, it is low maintenance, easy to clean and completely waterproof.
Geleeo can be purchased in pink and blue or, for a more neutral look, try gray or beige, new to the collection this summer. These reversible liners are guaranteed to make afternoon walks more enjoyable for everyone by dramatically enhancing your toddlers’ experience. Geleeo liners are sold in more than 10 stores locally in New York City or can be ordered online via and a number of other online outlets for $49.95.
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