NYMetroParents Wins 10 Parenting Publications of America Awards

NYMetroParents, Davler Media Group‘s parenting division, took home 10 awards at the 2011 annual Parenting Publications of America awards competition held in Arlington, VA on March 6.

PPA’s Editorial and Design Awards Competition recognizes excellence in journalism, photography, and design achieved by publishers, editors, writers, and designers at member publications. Prof. Daryl Moen of the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism coordinated the annual contest. A panel of 25 judges reviewed 915 entries from 75 publications to choose the winners in each category.

“The purpose of the PPA awards competition is to encourage a high level of journalistic performance and service to communities by recognizing editorial excellence and outstanding visual presentation in parenting publications,” said PPA Executive Director C. James Dowden.

David L. Miller, publisher of NYMetroParents, expressed, “We are thrilled to have won 10 awards at PPA – a new record for us! This affirms our position as the strongest editorial and publishing team in the metropolitan NY area, and illustrates leadership among all parenting publications across the country.”


Below are the winning entries accompanied by judges’ comments:



GOLD. Column: Reviews

Writer: Griffin Miller

“Lusciously written theater reviews offer readers a unique sneak peek at Broadway’s latest offerings, ones that include a kid’s perspective. Children will experience plays differently than parents, and these authoritatively written reviews recognize the importance of that distinction.”

Read the award-winning articles:

Mary Poppins on Broadway: The Magical Nanny Keeps Flying

The Addams Family: A Diabolically Cool Hit with Kids


GOLD. Column: Family Matters

Writer: Danielle Sullivan

“The column on hand sanitizers was informative, not just for parents, but for everyone. There are a lot of myths about sanitizers, and this column provides useful information. The column on mothers suffering from postpartum thyroiditis provided new information that mothers and mothers-to-be will find very useful. Both were very well written.”

Read the award-winning articles:

Is There Such a Thing as “Too Clean” When It Comes to Kids?

Sluggish, Anxious, Exhausted? It Might NOT Be Just the Baby…


SILVER. Special Section Back to School

“Back to school sections can be a chore, but this section offers solid story ideas from schoolyard etiquette, to fashion, to how school lunches are changing. Resource lists are a great addition.”


SILVER. Headlines

“Westchester Parent offers readers layers of headlines to invite them into the stories. And it earns kudos for not falling into the trap of overly strained puns or trite sayings for its headlines. For example, on a story about cakes for kids’ parties, the editors wisely stayed away from “Let them eat cake” and opted for “Cake for All.””


BRONZE. Big Apple Parent – Calendar of Events

“An age code for all ages sets apart Big Apple Parent’s calendar. It also offers a free weekly newsletter, a value-added idea. Listings are well organized with lots of cross-referencing for events occurring on multiple days. Terrific, useful content.”


BRONZE. Birthday Parties Special Section

“A clever idea for a section that can be copied by other magazines. Besides good advertising matchups, this section also offers great stories, like how to choose a birthday cake for kids who may have allergies.”


BRONZE. Column: Child Development & Parenting Issues: “Special Needs,”

Writer: Amber Greviskes

“The use of real-life sources in this column helps parents understand that they are not alone in confronting the challenges of raising special- needs children.”

Read the award-winning articles:

Siblings of Children with Special Needs Have Unique Needs Themselves

The Benefits of Sports for Children with Special Needs



Sweeping the largest circulation parenting magazine cover category with all three Design awards!

Big Apple Parent June 2010 cover



GOLD. Cover June 2010

“A big smile in a fun setting is a winning combination. Nothing says summer fun like a joyful day at the beach.”




Westchester Parent August 2010 cover


SILVER. Cover August 2010

“Big play of a fun-loving youngster can’t help but draw the reader to the magazine. Those eyes and smile are natural magnets. The colors on the page are equally playful.”




Suffolk Parent February 2010 cover


BRONZE. Cover February 2010

“The large format focused on a smiling face helps sell this cover. The color coordination between photograph and typography is excellent.”




Press Contact:
Susan Fine, Director of Marketing
1440Broadway, Suite 501, New York, NY 10018