He’s big, he’s bad, he’s back — Francis the Praying Mantis 2.0 has returned to the Staten Island Children’s Museum to welcome visitors.
November is a busy month at the children’s museum with even more fun stuff to do after you’ve finished gawking at the mantis.
Whether they crawl, walk, or run, children of all ages are invited to participate in a 5K race on Nov. 5 from 10 am to noon, for a $1 entry fee. Pre-registration required.
Grab a lantern on Nov. 11 to take a spooky tour of the grounds of Snug Harbor, then warm up at the museum with hot apple cider and doughnuts. The tour is from 5 to 7 pm and admission is $8. Pre-registration required.
Celebrate the written word all day on Nov. 12, from 10 am to 4 pm, in honor of Literacy Day. Admission is free.
Staten Island’s own Wahoo Skiffle Crazies breezes in on Nov. 20 at 3 pm and puts on a foot stomping show with music created on washboards, tin tubs and other fun stuff. The concert is free with general admission.
For weekly activities, the museum offers Kidz Cook every Friday at 2, 3 and 4 pm and Up4Art every Saturday and Sunday at 1, 2 and 3 pm.
So, come on down, and say “Hey!” to Francis. General admission is $6 for everyone over 1 year old and free for members. Grandparents are free every Wednesday.
Staten Island Children’s Museum [1000 Richmond Ter. at Tysen Street in Randall Manor; (718) 273-2060]. For more info, visit www.statenislandkids.org.