It doesn’t have to be February to give gifts of love and thoughtful expressions of caring and appreciation. But having a special day in a cold and often dreary winter month can perk up the whole family. In my house growing up we always baked cookies or cakes and decorated them with colorful hearts and made our presents for our parents. After my parents passed, I found all the cards we had largely ever given them in a special folder and I sat there crying my eyes out recalling the years of my youth and being so happy that I had expressed my love to them in those ways.
Back in the day, before the curriculum changes, art class in school was a great place to use various crafts techniques to bring home cards, or clay figures, or a drawing to Mom and Dad. With art classes no longer a part of a regular curriculum, it’s a fun thing for families to do together as a home project — although there are still schools that help kids make Valentines for Mom and Dad. Construction paper, glue, glitter, colored pencils, and good markers should be a part of every family’s “art box.”
The important thing, of course, is to be together and to express each and every day how much we love each other. Nonetheless, the small gestures often create long memories and bonds that last a lifetime. Do I have a special folder for the cards I have been given over the years? Of course I do. And every now and then I look at the special message my then 5-year-old gave me for one or another of the holidays when we do such things. And do I shed some tears? Of course I do. Tears of joy and gratitude and wonder at where all the time went and why the film is moving so fast.
Thanks for reading.