FDA Approves New Vaccine That Protects Against Six Diseases

The FDA approved a new vaccine that protects against six diseases, called Vaxilis. The new vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, and invasive disease due to haemophilus influenzae type B, according to TODAY. This vaccine will protect children from contracting six of the 14 diseases the CDC recommends vaccinating against.

While the vaccine is not available yet, those looking to get pregnant within the next few years may want to consider Vaxalis because it will eliminate the need for six separate vaccinations. Sanofi, the French pharmaceutical company, is working on production and supply of the vaccine and hopes it will be available by 2020. 

This vaccine is created for children from six weeks old to four years old to ensure that children are protected early on in life, according to NBC News. Once the vaccine is on the market, it will be recommended that it is administered in three doses, two months apart. First when the child is two months old, then four months, and then six months. 

Combination vaccines have been in circulation in the U.S. since the 1940s, according to the CDC. The CDC highly recommends parents vaccinate their children on-time, in accordance to a schedule provided by their pediatrician or the CDC recommended vaccination schedule.