The Crayon Box Preschool, located in Flushing, recently added Teddy Tennis, a preschool tennis class, to its curriculum. It will also add a preschool music class in the spring.
The Crayon Box Preschool owner Virginia Lopez tries to fit as many holidays from around the world into the curriculum, including Halloween. |
The Crayon Box Preschool located in Flushing added tennis to its curriculum in the fall, and will add a new music program in the spring. The preschool is for children ages 2½-5.
The preschool is using the England-based Teddy Tennis program, which teaches young children how to play the sport through music and pictures. The program takes place in the Crayon Box Preschool’s indoor gym, and racquets and tennis balls are provided.
Virginia Lopez, owner and director of The Crayon Box, understands that not all parents have the time to take their child to an after-school or weekend activity like tennis, so she incorporates them into the school day. “These are all extracurricular activities that the parents would have to go out and do on their own,” she says. “But we try to do that here.”
The music program, taught by an outside teacher, will take place once a month and focus on singing, dancing, and playing and learning about instruments. Instruments are provided for the children.
Lopez also likes to teach her students about holidays from different cultures. Recently the school celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year and Mardi Gras. “I figured the more the children are exposed to, the more the children will be familiar with and comfortable with throughout their lives,” Lopez says.