Whether your child needs to sharpen his or her skill set or simply needs more amusement, there are myriad offerings in music, dance, art, sports, cooking, gymnastics, and more that deliver extracurricular enjoyment at all ages and levels.
14th Street Y
This community center located on the East Side in Gramercy offers a number of programs for families with kids of all ages. Learning Through Literacy is a drop-off class that brings books to life through cooking, art, and science—for ages 3-5 years. 14streety.org
74th St. MAGIC
MAGIC Super Sampler is new this fall. Try it all! 45 minutes of hands-on art projects, interactive musical activities and story time, and 45 minutes of gymnastics combine for a super sampling of MAGIC! Great for children ages 18-26 months and 2.3-3 years. 74magic.com
92nd Street Y
Starting this September, Art Around The World, for children ages 5-7 years, introduces little ones to South African house creations, Moroccan textiles, and Chinese paper lanterns. Each week students “travel” from country to country, exploring styles and techniques from diverse cultures and time periods and building a global visual vocabulary. 92Y.org
The Musical Playdate is a popular pay-as-you-go class for children ages 6 months to 5 years. A guitar playing teacher leads the class in giggles, dance, and song by performing favorite nursery rhyme songs and other great children songs. Multiple locations in NYC. abcdoreme.com
American Museum of Natural History
Most of us are familiar with the magic of fireflies on a summer night, but did you know that there are sharks, snails, and even mushrooms that give off light? The Adventures in Science: Glowing in the Dark workshop series on three Sundays in September will explore the science behind the phenomenon of bioluminescence, the theme of Creatures of Light. (Pre-K and Kindergarten) amnh.org
Applause New York City
Come share the magic of Broadway or rock out at Applause! Applause offers interactive and educational music classes (0-4 years) using instruments, props, stories, and songs. Choose from Rock ‘n’ Roll or Broadway music! applauseny.com
apple seeds
Voted Best Music Class 2010, songs for seeds is a rockin’ music program that encourages children newborn to 5 years to sing, dance and play along with a three-piece band. Kids rock out with children’s instruments as well as real drums, guitars, keyboards, and instruments from around the world. We “travel” to a new country every week, create well-known nursery rhymes through visual art, perform magic tricks to highlight numbers and counting, and spin the animal wheel to reinforce animal names and sounds. Now offered at 3 locations: the flagship in Chelsea and two NEW Upper West Side and Tribeca locations. appleseedsplay.com
The Art Farm in the City
This Adult & Me class includes learning with/about live animals, guitar/music, playing with toys, story time, and animal arts & crafts! You and your child get to meet an “Animal of the Week” and visit an award-winning petting zoo! theartfarms.org
This fall, ArtXplorers offers an exciting series of art tours for kids that covers ancient art to contemporary, for even the youngest participants. Each class will address a different theme or artistic focus adding props, costumes, and storytelling to engage the kids. An art project relating to the topic will complete each tour. ArtXplorers will customize this series to suit your kids’ ages and interests. Form your own group, and the program will create a series around your schedule. artxplorers.com
Asphalt Green
Asphalt Green’s Gymnastics encourages talent and dedication in gymnasts at all levels, from the tiniest tumblers developing motor skills through play and parent interaction, to the nationally competitive teams for boys and girls. All coaches are USAG-certified and dedicated to creating a fun and safe program. asphaltgreen.org
Atlantic Acting School
The Atlantic Creators class is a must for any young performer looking for an afterschool outlet for creative expression. Through improvised games, structured movement exercises, and storytelling, this class explores all areas of performance and beginning playwriting. The focus of the class is to encourage students to utilize different aspects of their unique personalities to create characters and stories. This class will culminate in a final performance for parents and friends. atlanticactingschool.org
Baby Fingers
Communicate with your baby through music and sign language! Whether you intend to incorporate sign language into your life for the long term or simply during this pre-verbal/developing verbal time, watch in awe as your baby or toddler discovers the world of language. See the research come to life, as music and sign language both aid in the development of language and literacy. mybabyfingers.com
Ballet Academy East
Located on the Upper East Side, Ballet Academy East offers ballet classes for all ages. The venue’s Modern Dance class for boys and girls ages 3-6 introduces students to basic vocabulary and steps, using traditional techniques. The class emphasizes confidence-building along with the joy of new discoveries through movement. baenyc.com
The Ballet Club
Drama in Ballet is a new class that begins this fall at The Ballet Club that meets on Sundays from 3:45-4:45 pm. This workshop enables children to learn through improvisation. Inspired by music and tale, children will explore the connectedness of dance and theatre. theballetclub.com
Ballet Hispanico
At Ballet Hispanico, the bilingual Adventures in Dance program invites young children into a world of creative dance and Latino culture. Children will develop language skills and movement awareness as they form friendships in a fun and educational atmosphere. ballethispanico.org
Bija Kids
Sunday Little Lotuses class introduces the basics of yoga to the tiniest yogis in a creative and active way. Circle time, storytelling, animal poses, and parachute games are incorporated into the curriculum, making the yoga practice fun and accessible. Breathing techniques, bubbles, and relaxation help the little lotuses focus and find calm. Classes improve coordination and balance, as well as increase strength. bijakids.com
Bilingual Birdies
Bilingual Birdies, a foreign language and live music program, will introduce Spanish and Mandarin at the International Preschool’s 35th Street location. This is a full immersion class led by one of their rockin’ bilingual musician teachers. Super fun classes incorporate live music, movement games, puppetry, and a bubble dance party! An original music Bilingual Birdies CD is included. bilingualbirdies.com
Bilingual Buds
Bilingual Buds’ NEW Supplemental Mandarin Program (ages 2-3) addresses parents’ need for a drop-off program for young language learners. An exciting next step from Mommy & Me, the program offers academic content and school readiness skills in a Mandarin immersion environment. High-energy instruction includes Language Arts, Math, Science, and Gym. bilingualbuds.com
Bright Kids NYC
The Bright Kids NYC Gifted and Talented Bootcamp is a budget-friendly package of tutoring and books to prepare your child for the NYC gifted exam, offering savings of up to 30% off retail price. Last year, 88% of clients qualified for G&T programs. brightkidsnyc.com
Broadway Dance Center
Broadway Dance Center’s Children & Teen Program offers dancers ages 3-18 elite training with today’s leading teachers and choreographers. The 32-week program delivers the finest dance experience for your child by offering a wide variety of high-quality class options that only New York City and BDC can provide. broadwaydancecenter.com
Carousel of Languages
The Carousel of Languages seeks to enrich the minds and spirits of young children through the beauty and discovery of a foreign language. Hourly classes available in Italian, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Russian, and English for children from birth to age 12. carousellanguages.com
Chelsea Piers
The exciting new drop-in Teen Parkour class at the Field House at Chelsea Piers offers teens the opportunity to experience expert instruction in the movements of parkour, including running, jumping, climbing, and other acrobatic movements throughout the state-of-the-art gymnastics facility. chelseapiers.com/fh
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMA)
Art In Focus weekend drop-off classes are two-hour art sessions for ages 8-15 and feature a different topic each week. Taught by professional teaching artists, these weekend classes are designed to teach and build upon age-appropriate art-making skills while introducing students to new creative and imaginative expression. cmany.org
Children’s Museum of Manhattan (CMOM)
CMOM’s Preschool Prep (2-3 years) is a signature early childhood curriculum and unique class environment that gives children opportunities to explore, investigate, socialize, and build trusting relationships through a positive, nurturing separation between child and parent/caregiver. Experienced teachers guide children through activities including art, music, science, movement, dramatic play, and story time. cmom.org
Child’s Play
Child’s Play—a playgroup program for parents and grandparents with their babies and toddlers—celebrates its 25th year this fall. Check out the On My Own drop-off playgroup at Jan Hus on the East Side this season. Children will enjoy circle time with songs, art, story time, imaginative play with hoops, tunnels, puppets, and more. childsplaynyc.com
Church Street School for Music and Art
The innovative “Arts Express” music and art immersion drop-off program for preschoolers 2-4 years incorporates Dalcroze eurhythmics, visual art, free play, story time, and snack. Also available as an alternative Pre-K program, this class will foster kindergarten readiness in children through experience and exposure, combined with an acclaimed music and art program. churchstreetschool.org
Budding gourmets experience the pleasures of the kitchen in Citibabes’ signature class, Pots and Pans. Delicious and healthful recipes come to life as children have the opportunity to use all of their senses while developing fine motor, math, and social skills. Each class ends with a tasty morsel to take home while the semester ends with a completed cookbook to enjoy forever. citibabes.com
Collina Italiana
Don’t miss the fun this fall at CI with Giardino Dei Bambini. It’s a great way for children ages 2-5 to learn Italian through a variety of activities such as hands-on creativity, games, theater, dancing, and songs. Children develop important socialization skills interacting with each other in a group setting. Moreover, “la merenda” (snack time) gives kids the opportunity to converse on food routines in Italian. collinaitaliana.com
Columbus Gym
Has your child been tumbling since London 2012? Columbus Gym offers classes for little gymnasts 6 months-12 years. Kids have fun and build confidence, balance, coordination, and motor skills while exploring this 3,000 square-foot gym of beams, bars, rings, tumbling mats, a trampoline, and more! columbusgymnyc.com
The Craft Studio
Get crafty at Crafty Wednesdays by The Craft Studio at J&R Jr. Kids ages 5 and up will get their hands dirty and make amazing works of art that will wow the grown-ups at home. For the first time ever downtown, the magic of the famous Craft Studio will be in your neighborhood! Each week, kids will make quality projects from the ground up using the best materials. From herb gardens to duffle bags, boys and girls alike will love this class. Go beyond finger painting and collaging to explore all you can do with arts and crafts! (craftstudiotogo.com/craftclass) craftstudionyc.com
Creative Play for Kids
Rock out and groove, swing to the blues, or keep that beat in Creative Play for Kids Music and Movement Class this fall. In this fun and upbeat class, children hear a different musician and instrument each week. Every Monday afternoon on the Upper West Side, babies and toddlers sing, dance, and play to the sounds of the guitar, drum, or trombone—to name a few. Fun and lively, these classes are drop-in, so no registration is required. Multiple locations in Manhattan. creativeplayforkids.com
Dean Street
This Brooklyn restaurant’s weekly kid events include everything from arts & crafts to story time to sing-a-longs with kid-favorite musicians and bands. All programs begin at 10:30am—so stick around after for a family lunch! deanstreetbrooklyn.com
The Diller–Quaile School of Music
Diller-Quaile classes—taught by credentialed educators, artists, and musicians—provide creative and unique learning experiences. Courses at this accredited school include Story Dramatization, Four Seasons: Art & Music, and Preschool Music & Art. Children explore ideas through singing, playing, movement, art, and storytelling. diller-quaile.org
Discovery Programs
Almost On My Own and On My Own provides the nurturing and supportive environment children need as they embark on their first steps of friendship, separation, and class routines. Through play, gym, movement, music, and art, children discover their independence and creativity. discoveryprograms.com
The Early Ear
A variety of music classes are offered at The Early Ear, designed to introduce musical concepts to young children. Classes are grouped by age, 4-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, and 4-5 years, and range from sing-a-longs to introducing musical instruments. The classes are designed to help students decide which musical instrument they want to study for private lessons. Located throughout the Upper East and West Sides. theearlyear.com
Eastside Westside Music Together
Experience Music Together’s time-tested program at two NEW locations on the UES! Join a class at Scribble Press on East 84th Street or at American Youth Dance Theatre on East 75th Street. Entertainment isn’t their business; education is. Their classes provide a safe, fun environment for families to play, learn, and grow…together! eswsmusictogether.com
East Side Tae Kwon Do & East Side Yoga
East Side Yoga offers a unique option in NYC: a yoga class for you in one room while your child takes his or her own kid-appropriate class in the adjacent room. Start your weekend off right, while your child has fun playing yoga! Saturdays 9:30-10:30am for 4-6 year olds and their parents, 10:30-11:30am for 7-12 year olds and their parents. eastsidetaekwondo.com; eastsideyoganyc.com
EBL Coaching
EBL Coaching offers afterschool and weekend courses for students in grades preK-12 in reading, writing, math, and study skills. They use research-based, multi-sensory methods that are individualized according to the needs of each student. Specialized programs for students with learning disabilities and ADHD are also available. eblcoaching.com
Fastbreak Kids
Join a professional staff for 90 minutes of basketball skill development, drill work, and game play for players of all levels at the Fastbreak Kids Weekend Basketball League. Learn both individual skills (dribbling, shooting) along with team concepts on offense and defense. Grades K-7 (separated by age). Convenient locations on East or West Sides. fastbreakkids.com
French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)
Benjamins classes, for children ages 5–6, use French immersion methods that make language-learning fun. Using stories, creative projects, songs, and games, children learn how to talk about themselves and their environment, and to express their wishes, needs, and desires—all in French! fiaf.org
The Gaga Center
This is the first and only dedicated space in Manhattan to play the kid-favorite game of gaga! Played in an octagonal pit with a soft foam ball, gaga combines the skills of running, striking, dodging and jumping. Fun and easy, all children in grades K-6 get a serious workout. One-hour classes begin with warm up, followed by a quick strategy lesson. Then let the games begin! gagacenter.com
Gymboree Play & Music
In Gymboree’s popular preschool alternative program, School Skills, little ones learn the importance of playing together while developing other key skills needed for a smooth transition into future learning environments. Curious little learners have a blast exploring science, art, letter recognition, music, play, and more! gymboreeclasses.com
Gymtime Rhythm & Glues
This Upper East Side children’s activity center is introducing Kitchen Little Cooking School this fall. Kitchen Little will offer a range of culinary workshops and enrichment programs for children ages 2 years old through teens. Workshops for moms and dads will also be offered! gymtime.net
Hands On!
Using a special instrument-based curriculum, this music studio (in four Manhattan locations) introduces infants, toddlers and preschoolers to popular folk tunes, nursery rhymes, and lullabies in the Hands On Musical Experience. Classes feature stories narrated by hand puppets, music, instrument exploration, and movement. An Introductory Keyboard Class is also offered for budding pianists. handson4music.com
Unleash the god of MANGA on your child and your mouth will just drop open! HiArt!’s incredible manga program immerses kids in a world of Japanese-style drawing. Little ones can learn amazing skills at the “Best Children’s Arts Program” in New York. hiartkids.com
¡HOLA! A Playgroup in Spanish
Mariana joins ¡HOLA! to run a class this fall at apple seeds (Flatiron), starting September 13. The class is fun and educational, and the songs were designed for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to learn Spanish. Children enjoy being a part of the musical experience singing and moving to catchy songs (classic and original) that will help them build important motor and social skills. holaplaygroup.com
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Swing to your favorite nursery songs, stomp the blues away, and solo like Satchmo with Jazz at Lincoln Center’s WeBop. Over the course of eight weeks, you and your child will explore your imagination, creativity, and musicality together. jalc.org/webop
The JCC in Manhattan
CircusYoga (7-10 years) blends the consciousness of yoga with the communal celebration of circus! These Tuesday classes foster connection, play, trust, and skill building through a wide range of experiences, including group games and invention, partner acrobatics, flying partner yoga, clowning, creative movement, and circus skills (such as juggling, balancing, devil sticks, diabolo, plates, and more!). jccmanhattan.org
Jodi’s Gym
Rockin’ Rollers (12-35 months) is a wildly popular and fun-filled class for the child who loves to both move and groove. A special 75-minute class combines all the fun of a Mighty Muscle Movers gymnastics class with an incredible 30-minute music class. A dynamic music teacher will lead children through a singing and dancing extravaganza, loaded with shakers, streamers, and silly songs. jodisgym.com
Joffrey Ballet School
Kids who sign up for ballet at Joffrey Ballet School in the West Village are trained in classical and contemporary ballet as well as other forms of dance, including modern, jazz, hip-hop, and character dance. A Children’s Program (ages 2-9) also offers Dance with Me (which includes parents or caregivers as the dance partner). A Young Dancer’s Program is offered for ages 10 and up. joffreyballetschool.com
Karma Kids Yoga
Kids should wear white—for extra glowability!—to a special Glow-in-the-Dark Yoga class at Karma Kids Yoga. They’ll rock their asanas in fun yoga poses, partner and group poses, yoga games, and activities. Relaxation time ends with yummy smelling foot rubs. Come Play Yoga! karmakidsyoga.com
Kick & Play
Learn to run, jump, bounce, kick, and play with Kick & Play, the toddler pre-soccer and movement program at Super Soccer Stars. For your youngest stars ages 12-24 months, Kick & Play is a parent-child experience featuring puppet characters, pre-soccer activities, and engaging original music. kickandplay.com
My Mini School: Pre-School in 90 MinutesTM introduces young children to a school environment in a safe, play-based setting. Accompanied by a parent or caregiver, children learn skills to prepare them for school through free play, circle time, art, music, dance, and games. kidberrynyc.com
Kids at Art
Young fashionistas will love Kids at Art’s newest Fashion Design and Sewing classes this fall, offered through The Fashion Class at their new location, where other new classes include Drop-in sessions, Lunch and Art Class, Portfolio class for teens, and, for parents, new Adult Art Classes! kidsatartnyc.com
Kids at Work
Kids at Work in Chelsea presents its Mess It Up sensory art program for active and curious kids. Children ages 18 months-5 years in three different age groups focus on the process in this class—no crafting allowed! kidsatworknyc.com
Kids In Sports
Children will have a new way of expressing themselves this fall with a new Hip Hop Dance Program offered by Kids In Sports. This class will have children on their feet learning basic choreography to upbeat music while focusing on rhythm and beginner aerobic exercises. kisnyc.com
Kidville University (ages 2.0-3.3), Kidville’s preschool alternative program, promotes learning through play and exploration. The curriculum fosters independence, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development and features a gradual separation process tailored to each child and family. kidville.com
Language Workshop for Children
The Language Workshop for Children’s French, Spanish, or Chinese Preschool immerses a 2-year-and-10-month- to 4-year-olds in a new language while building early childhood skills through LWFC materials, stories, music, play, puzzles, and more. languageworkshopforchildren.com
Launch Math & Science Centers
Budding scientists will have a blast at Launch Math & Science Centers’ NEW fall workshops! In Architecture & Engineering, kids discover math principles necessary to build sturdy structures while Actions & Reactions teaches what makes the world tick through physics and chemistry. Ages 6-8. launchmath.com
Lil Yogi’s NYC
With Lil Yogi’s NYC, children ages 1-10 will learn yoga this fall in a fun and playful environment through adventures, stories, and games. Children will experience the many benefits of yoga, including increased flexibility, coordination, balance, and self-confidence. lilyogisnyc.com
The Little Gym
The Little Gym’s gymnastics program for preschoolers and kindergarteners has been specially designed to help children reach developmental milestones. Independent enough to attend classes without parents, children learn best in a structured environment where gymnastics activities are combined with a healthy dose of fun. The Little Gym offers five co-ed gymnastics classes: Funny Bugs (3-4 years), Giggle Worms (4-5), Good Friends, (5-6), Mini Flips (3-4, advanced), and Mini Jets (5-6, advanced). thelittlegym.com
Little Maestros
Little Maestros, an award-winning, early-childhood educator-approved infant and toddler music program, has been dedicated to providing an unparalleled interactive experience for ten years. Enthusiastic, top-notch performers introduce language development, a musical story time segment, a puppet show, and much more! littlemaestros.com
Loop of the Loom
Loop of the Loom’s Do It Yourself class teaches various process-oriented Fiber Arts crafts. During the fall semester, they are also offering afterschool kids programs including Sprouting Weavers (ages 5-14) and Growing Crafters (ages 8-14). loopoftheloom.com
Lucy Moses School
In Dalcroze classes at Kaufman Center’s Lucy Moses School, kids age 2-9 experience a joyful, hands-on approach to musical concepts like tempo, meter, phrasing, form, and dynamics through rhythm games, creative movement, songs, stories, ear training, and improvisation. kaufman-center.org/lms
Mad Science
Join Mad Science for Crazy Chemworks at Jodi’s Gym on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons this fall. Children ages 3-8 will spark imaginative learning as they combine elements and make them fizz, crackle, and change color! They’ll delve into chemical reactions that produce light, gas, and even slime. Weekly topics include: Lab Works, Junior Reactors, p.H. Phactor, Slime Time, The Glow Show, Icky Sticky Stuff, and Kitchen Chemistry. madscience.com/manhattan
Make Meaning
A special Creativity Coach leads art classes at this studio, located on both the Upper East and West sides. Children create art projects featuring seven inspired experiences. They’ll choose to make their own creations using paper, glass, candles, jewelry, ceramics, and soap, or even sign up for cake decorating! Try making a Mood Swing soy wax candle or glasswear (pendants and glass rings). makemeaning.com
The Mathnasium Enrichment Program is offered year-round for qualifying students in 2nd grade through pre-algebra. This program allows for 8 scheduled instruction hours/month. Each instructor works with 1-3 students every hour in a semi-private setting, combining individualized instruction with independent work in a fun environment. Whether your child is advanced in math, struggling in school, or somewhere in between, this program is sure to get and keep your child “Crazy About Math!” mathnasium.com
Moey’s Music Party
If your kids like birthday parties, they are going to love Moey’s Music Party classes! Each class feels like a weekly birthday party with singing, dancing, instruments, scarves, puppets, bubbles, and story time based on a different party theme. Fans can follow her this fall at four locations: The Museum of Motherhood (Thursdays), The New York Jr League (Fridays), Beehives and Buzz Cuts (Fridays), and Reebok Sports Club on the West Side (Saturdays). moeysmusicparty.com
Kids ages 3 months to 8 years love MoonSoup’s energetic, creative classes. Music, Art, and Enrichment mixes available at locations on the East Side, Wall Street, and Queens. Try Baby Rock and Sign Language, Messy Art & Music, or Preschool Alternatives (partial/full separation). Free Open Play! moonsoup.net
Musical Kids International
Reading in Spanish? Yes! Spanish Stories and Pre-Reading for 5s at Musical Kids International helps children discover new words in Spanish. Pre-reading activities include: learning the alphabet and the phonemes of the Spanish language, playing with memory cards, naming common objects, audiovisual learning, and creating words to share with the entire family. musicalkids.net
Music for Aardvarks and Other Mammals
Music for Aardvarks, the extremely popular interactive music program for babies and toddlers that has already taken over Manhattan from Inwood to the Battery, invades Brooklyn this fall with new classes in just about every nook and cranny of the borough! A dozen new locations including Park Slope, Bay Ridge, and Sunset Park. musicforaardvarks.com
My Gym UES
My Gym Upper East’s extraordinary program is devised to help children 6 weeks-9 years of age develop physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Classes incorporate music, dance, relays, games, gymnastics, sports, and more. Children have fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination, agility, and flexibility while developing social skills, confidence, and self-esteem. Extensively trained staff and award-winning class programs have earned My Gym the reputation as the best early learning program of its kind. my-gym.com/manhattan.aspx
My Gym UWS
Much more than your normal gym class. During My Gym’s stimulating one hour program, highly trained instructors shower the children with affection as they guide them through balancing, tumbling, hanging, and agility exercises, which helps them develop a love of physical activity and a sense of pride in their achievements. Participants work on a range of fine and gross motor skills, social awareness, independence, and self-esteem all while having a blast! my-gym.com/nyc
New York Jazz Academy
This fast-growing music school offers an introduction to jazz curriculum in locations throughout Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and Long Island. Infants and preschoolers (6 months to 4 years) can get an introduction to jazz with Jelly Jamz during Thursdays this fall on the Upper West Side. nyjazzacademy.com
New York Theatre Ballet
New York Theatre Ballet launches its new Young Artists Division featuring classes in ballet, pointe, boy’s technique, character, and modern dance for boys and girls who are on track for a professional performing arts career. Performance opportunities throughout the year. nytb.org
One of the largest youth chess programs, NYChessKids spreads its love for the game through organizing tournaments, afterschool programs, and chess camps. Instructors also host classes at the New York Public Library and offer private lessons. nychesskids.com
NY City Explorers
My Preschool Playdate, designed by certified early childhood teachers, offers young learners, ages 1-3 years old, and the caregivers accompanying them, structured access to a creative preschool environment. Led by a Brooklyn Explorers Academy Play Expert, this 1.5-hour weekly playdate explores the arts, sciences, and early literacy through structured play, games, storytime, and special projects. nycityexplorers.com
NY Kids Club
The NY Kids Club will offer a Spanish language class for toddlers this fall—Cuentos, Arte, y Música!(12 months- 36 months). This class will immerse children in the Spanish language through music, story, art, and play. Enthusiastic native-speaking instructors will introduce a number, a letter, a shape, and an animal every class. A flash card art project, which will bring the four elements together, will allow the students to continue their learning at home. An interactive playtime with original NY Kids Club music and Spanish songs will round out this 45 minute Spanish immersion class. nykidsclub.com
Peridance Capezio Center
The School at Peridance features a progressive approach emphasizing a thorough understanding of various dance techniques while promoting self-expression and creativity. For ages 18 months to 18 years. Classes include: Parents & Toddlers, Creative Movement, Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop African, and Salsa. peridance.com/schoolatperi.cfm
Physique Swim School
From beginner water exploration and primary skill development to advanced swimming techniques, Physique offers classes for every kid including kids with special needs. The littlest swimmers (ages 6 months-3 years) can join a parent in the pool for the Me and My Shadow class. Competitive swimmers can part take in Swim Team Prep, which is a stroke clinic class that focuses on refining technique and building up endurance. Fall session begins September 10. physiqueswimming.com
Planet Han
Mandarin for all! Planet Han provides a fresh approach to teaching Mandarin, using the novel “Model.Action.Talk.” method to teach Mandarin to kids, from infants to 12 years old, and to adults, regardless of ethnicity through group classes, afterschool programs, and private tutoring. planethanchinese.com
Poppyseed Pre-Nursery
Having fun while prepping for nursery school? It’s easy as ABC. Poppyseed has it all this fall 2012. You’re invited to a specialized playgroup that includes amazing art projects, musical collaboration with instruments, story circles, and more! Make your day special! For tots with adults. poppyseedprenursery.com
Prenatal Yoga Center
GoGoBabies: Tummy Time—an interactive class for baby and parent utilizing song, dance, yoga, play, and massage with a variety of stimulating props and activities—is designed with the particular needs of the babies in mind. prenatalyogacenter.com
Private Picassos
Private Picassos brings the best of art studio to you. Enroll in Private and Group Art Lessons in the comfort of your home. All packages are customized for each client, giving your budding artist an engaging afterschool activity. privatepicassos.com
Reading In Preschool
Reading In Preschool is a unique private tutoring service based in New York City. The organization teaches 3- to 6-year-olds to go from beginner readers to an advanced 2nd grade reading level, all within less than a year of private lessons. readinginpreschool.com
The School at Steps
The Young Dancers Program welcomes children ages 2-6 to the exciting world of dance and music. Classes in this program introduce creative movement exercises that foster body coordination, rhythmic awareness, and a path to discover and explore their own imagination. Classes in the program include Little Steps (ages 2 & 3), Pre-Dance and Pre-Tap (ages 4 & 5), and Isadora Duncan (ages 4-6). stepsnyc.com
Scribble Press
Create your very own masterpieces as you study the masters in Scribble Press’s Famous Artists class (ages 4-6, grades K-2, and 3-4) including: Picasso, Rousseau, Van Gogh, and Warhol. Amaze all your friends with your versatility as an artist and knowledge of art history as you show off your art collection compiled in a beautiful bound book at the end of the semester. scribblepress.com
Simply Sports
Simply Sports introduces Start Smart, a seven-week instructional program that helps parents work one-on-one with their children (ages 3-5) while teaching them the basics of sports: throwing, catching, kicking, and batting. The program helps prepare children for organized youth sports by using safe and fun equipment to teach them the basic motor skills needed to compete. simplysports.net
Beyond old world manners and etiquette, clubsocialsklz:-) is a fun, 10-week program for kids in Brooklyn and New York. kidz (4-7) and tweenz (8-12) will learn vital social and communication skills through interactive games and practical life application. The program culminates in a dinner party! socialsklz.com
Two- and three-year-olds will learn how to score goals and dribble the soccer ball with their feet at SocRoc’s Thursday morning class at Go Fish on the Upper East Side this fall. Boys and girls will also be taught teamwork and overall fitness with the famous “animal fitness” drill. This is a high energy, positive, and fun class taught by SocRoc owner and former soccer pro James Christie. jcsocroc.com
SPORTIME Randall’s Island
At SPORTIME Randall’s Island, kids have a variety of classes to choose from. QuickStart tennis is 60 minutes of high energy fun on a half-court using innovative teaching techniques and specialized equipment designed for players 3-6 years old. QuickStart tennis is offered on Thursdays 3-4 pm and Saturdays 4-5 pm or 5-6 pm. sportimeny.com/manhattan
Super Soccer Stars
The perfect complement to your child’s weekly Super Soccer Stars class, Game Time is a brand new, one-hour program designed to allow young soccer players the opportunity to develop game awareness, positional play, and proper technique in a fully-supervised game environment. supersoccerstars.com
TADA! Youth Theater
TADA! reaches the youngest of thespians with the unique T.O.T.S. (Theater on Their Scale) program that uses musical theater to develop language and coordination through musical movement for two- through three-year-olds. Taking place Monday mornings in midtown, TADA! T.O.T.S. incorporates song and story with cooperative play, sign language, and creative exploration—a perfect blend for toddlers and their caregivers! tadatheater.com
Take Two Film Academy
Get into the act with Take Two Film Academy! Take Two is offering low-commitment Saturday filmmaking workshops this fall on the Upper West Side. Kids will write, direct, act, and edit their own short films. Appropriate for kids ages 8-16. taketwofilmacademy.com
Taste Buds Kitchen
Budding chefs ages two to teen whip up culinary masterpieces in Taste Buds Kitchen’s Let’s Make Class this fall. Recipes vary from savory to sweet with a focus on ingredients, tastes, techniques, and making new friends. Recipes are designed to introduce new ingredients and flavors to your budding chef’s Taste Buds. You’ll be amazed at what your child makes—and eats! tastebudskitchen.com
TLB Music
This fall, get immersed in the sounds of our favorite city with TLB Music’s Noisy New York class. While learning about the multi-cultural music of NYC through play, students 4 months to 6 years develop motor, language, social, and cognitive skills. tlbmusic.com
West Side Taekwondo
In the Pee Wee Program for ages 4-5, students are introduced to concepts of discipline, exercise, and basic taekwondo technique in a structured environment. Belt tests at the end of the semester allow students to work toward tangible goals and showcase their newfound skills. westsidetkd.com
Located throughout New York City, local branches of the Y offer a variety of programs for kids of all ages, from pre-K through teen. My Little Academy is an early childhood program created for 3-year-olds following the instructional guidelines of the New York State Department of Education and New York State Standards. The curriculum promotes self-discovery and independence through hands on activities. ymcanyc.org
Yogi Beans
At Yogi Beans, Parent-Child classes don’t end when your beans go back to school this fall! Family Yoga & Meditation (5-9 years) offers a fun, bonding activity for the whole family. Learn partner poses, cooperative games, and mindfulness meditations that can be practiced together at home. yogibeans.com
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