Where Can I Lend a Hand to Children With Down syndrome?

Lend a helping hand and make a few new friends and any of local organizations that provide support to children and adults with Down syndrome.

Group of Volunteers pointing towards the Camera  

If your’re looking for a place to do some good, why not lend helping hand at a local organization that provides support to children and adults with Down syndrome. Each year in the U.S., 4700 babies are born with Down syndrome (that’s approximately 1 in 830). Here’s where you can volunteer with children with Down syndrome:


GiGi’s Playhouse NYC

A volunteer-run organization, GiGi’s Playhouse seeks helpers for all its programs, including literacy tutoring, and administrative or managerial roles, such as grant writing, fundraising, Playhouse event management, and photography and filmmaking.
646-801-7529; gigisplayouse.org/newyork.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.


Alexander’s Angels

Based on Long Island, the all-volunteer organization aims to increase awareness of the needs of people with Down syndrome and to raise funds for other local and national Down syndrome nonprofit organizations and hosts events throughout the NYC area.
516-361-7263; alexandersangels.org.



GiGi’s Playhouse NYC

A volunteer-run organization, GiGi’s Playhouse seeks helpers for all of its programs, including literacy tutoring, and administrative or managerial roles, such as grant writing, fundraising, Playhouse event management, and photography and filmmaking.
646-801-7529; gigisplayouse.org/newyork.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.



GiGi’s Playhouse NYC

A volunteer-run organization, GiGi’s Playhouse seeks helpers for all of its programs, including literacy tutoring, and administrative or managerial roles, such as grant writing, fundraising, Playhouse event management, and photography and filmmaking.
646-801-7529; gigisplayouse.org/newyork.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.



The ARC of Westchester
Use your time and talents to make a difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities, including those with Down syndrome.
914-949-9300; westchesterarc.org.


Down Syndrome Association of the Hudson Valley

Founded by a group of parents in the 1980s, the volunteer-driven organization aims to provide children and adults with Down syndrome with fulfilling, empowered lives.
845-226-1630; dsahv.org.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.




ARC of Rockland

Use your time and talents to make a difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities, including those with Down syndrome.
845-267-2500; arcofrockland.org.


Down Syndrome Association of the Hudson Valley

Founded by a group of parents in the 1980s, the volunteer-driven organization aims to provide children and adults with Down syndrome with fulfilling, empowered lives.
845-226-1630; dsahv.org.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.



Connecticut Down Syndrome Congress
888-486-8537; ctdownsyndrome.org.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.


The Friendship Circle
Brings together teen volunteers with children with special needs for fun and friendship. 203-329-0015; friendshipct.com.


The Pilot House
An inclusive community center for all ages and abilities, including those with Down syndrome, developmental delays, or sensory processing disorders.
203-292-8452; thepilothouse.org.



Association for Children with Down Syndrome

Volunteer your time to one of the nonprofit’s events or help with a variety of programs, including parent-peer outreach, day care, adult residential services, or recreational and respite programs.
516-933-4700; acds.org.


Alexander’s Angels

Based in Long Island, the all-volunteer organization aims to increase awareness of the needs of people with Down syndrome and to raise funds for other local and national Down syndrome nonprofit organizations.
516-361-7263; alexandersangels.org.


Down Syndrome Connection of Long Island
Parent-run, volunteer organization affiliated with National Down Syndrome Society and National Down Syndrome Congress.
631-533-2864; dscli.org.


National Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk

Established in 1995 to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. To find a Buddy Walk near you, visit ndss.org/buddy-walk.