Why Working at Camp is the Best First Job

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Why Working at Camp is the Best First Job 

With summer quickly approaching, many high school and college-age students are deciding how to spend their summer break.  For young people interested in a rewarding job with so many benefits, look no further than working as a camp counselor at a day or overnight camp. 

Working at a summer camp gives young people hands-on work experience, the chance to make a difference in children’s lives and the opportunity to socialize with peers. 

Being a counselor allows teens and college aged students to work outside all day while gaining skills that will prepare them for any future career. 

“The type of skills young people leave camp with aren’t the ones learned in school.  They are the non-cognitive skills which are the practical skills that they will need for any job,” explains Mark Transport, Owner and Director of Crestwood Country Day Camp on Long Island and co-owner of Camp Southwoods, an overnight camp in the Adirondacks. 

“For all future employment, it’s important to be flexible, to be able to work as part of a team and have good communication skills.  At camp, you aren’t only communicating with people your age but with young kids and also older adults. 

There are lots of decisions being made each day and you learn to make quick decisions that will provide the best experience for children. Making these hundreds of decisions each day will become natural and is a great skill to have.” 

Christie Ko, Executive Director of the youth development organization Fiver Children’s Foundation, which operates Camp Fiver in upstate New York, feels that one of the benefits of working at a camp is that they are run by youth development specialists who have the skills to work with young people. 

“There is an awareness of how young people develop, what they need and how we can support them in their first few years in the work world. We know young people’s brains aren’t fully developed and we can support them in their learning experience.”   Counselors are supported daily, with multiple check-ins by supervisors and staff training that goes on throughout the summer. 

“There are meetings and trainings all summer, with supervisors letting them know what is being done right, what should be done to handle different situations that arise and helping counselors make changes right when they are happening,” says Transport.  “Camp counselors are supported every step of the way at camp.”  

One of the coolest things about working at camp is that it’s a very social job.  Young people have the chance to meet new friends, all around the same ages as themselves.  “Camp allows young people to meet others that may have similar interests like the love of being outdoors, playing sports or doing art. 

Working at camp helps you find people you may enjoy spending time with which is just another added benefit of working at camp,” explains Transport.

Ko says that today’s young people want to know they are making a difference.  “Today’s youth are altruistic.  They want to make a difference, give back, make the world a better place and level the playing field.  When you look at a camp like Fiver that has an important mission, it takes working at camp to a whole other level.”

Alicia Skovera, Executive Director of the American Camp Association, NY and NJ says it’s not too late to apply for a counselor position.

“The demand for quality camp programs is high this summer after the disruptions COVID caused for so many children. Many of our camps are reporting camper waiting lists and the need to hire additional staff.  If you enjoy working with children and are looking for a summer job that will be both rewarding and enriching, apply to work at camp.” 

Those 16-years-old and older can apply to work at day camp and those 18-years-old and older are eligible to work at overnight camp. 

Transport says, “Working at camp is a job you will always remember. Many people go back year after year because of the sense of purpose it provides.   Besides the incredible skill development that will be gained and the friendships made, you will have a true impact on the lives of children.”

Psst… Check out Sending your Child to Camp: Digging Deeper into Camp Experience

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Purchase College Youth and Precollege Programs

<p>Welcome to the Summer 2024 Youth and Precollege Programs in the Arts!</p> <p>For more than 40 years, these programs have been much more than camps. Summer students from grades 7-12 learn new skills in a rich environment full of exciting beginnings, new friends and achievements, growth and independence.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Summer 2024 Youth and Precollege Programs in the Arts. Serious Foundation. Serious Fun.</strong></p> <p>Ignite your passion for performing arts, creative writing, filmmaking, songwriting and music production, journalism, voice, auditioning, photography and photo editing, or visual art in these intensive enrichment experiences, led by experienced educators and teaching artists. Students in grades 7 – 12 engage in 1-, 2- and 4-week, full day programs designed to foster growth and independence while gaining new skills and meeting new friends with similar interests!</p> <p>Join the instructors you know and love in daily sessions that teach new skills and provide social interaction. We have kept the same low staff-to-student ratio and quality instruction that you have come to expect. They are immersed in a variety of exciting and enriching learning opportunities, such as songwriting, acting, visual arts, creative writing, filmmaking, digital arts, voice, and musical theatre. We hope that you choose Purchase College for your child’s summer experience. It is sure to create many treasured memories for your entire family.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Programs:</strong></p> <p>- Programs meet 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, Monday–Friday, with early drop-off and extended</p> <p>day options also available.</p> <p>- There are no programs Thursday and Friday, July 4 & 5.</p> <p>- 10% discount for early registration and Purchase College faculty/staff discount</p> <p>- Session I: July 1 – July 12 Session II: July 15 – 26 Session III: July 29 – August 9</p> <p> </p> <p>Each program concludes with a performance, exhibit, reading, film screening, or other culminating event for families and friends to showcase the skills that they have learned.</p> <p> </p>

Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research

<h1><strong>Summer Science Camps for Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals</strong></h1> <p>We offer a variety of workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school<br />and middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related<br />fields, such as biomedical research, drug development, pharmacy, bioengineering, or nursing.  Workshops are taught by PhD-level instructors with years of research and teaching experience. Camps are offered in summer and winter and there are online and in-person options available.  </p> <p>Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are disrupted or distorted during the development of disease. There is a heavy emphasis on experimental design, modern drug development, and the emergence of the era of personalized medicine. To conclude the workshop, students use what they have learned to create an original research project. More broadly, workshop attendees strengthen their academic skills, build their college portfolio, and explore potential career options while making friends from around the world and experiencing college dorm life in a safe environment.</p> <p>Our university-based workshops are held at Columbia University, Imperial College London, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego, and both residential and commuter options are available.   University-based workshops include Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Astrobiology, AI-Enhanced Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology of Aging, Neurological Bioinformatics, Molecular Immunology, Bioinformatics of Aging, and Bioinformatics of Cancer.  Biomedical Research – a workshop focused on learning modern molecular biology laboratory techniques - is taught at our lab in the Bay Area, CA.</p> <p>Our online workshops include Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics.  Intro to Cellular and Molecular Medicine is our entry-level workshop that is only two hours/day.  Students in the Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics workshops learn how to use online tools to analyze biochemical data.</p>

Village Kids Day Camp

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0px; caret-color: #222222; color: #222222; font-family: LucidaGrande;"><span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande';">Great mix of outdoor fun and indoor activities led by experienced, creative team. Multiple sports and enrichment options including art, chess, parkour, dance, cooking, robotics, tennis, field trips, water parks, thematic parties, and more! Open during school breaks and select holidays. The 2024 Summer program will run from July 8 to Aug 16 and is open from 9am to 5pm. Families love our flexible enrollment. No minimum required. Select 1-6 Weeks or DropIn Summer Days. Early Bird and bundle discounts available. Located in Manhattan’s historic West Village (PS 3 building). Open to ages 4-12.</span></p> <p> </p>