Last year we published a wonderful story by the NYC Dads Group about how to be good parenting partners. When I recently went to update the story to use in our New York Baby Show guide, I knew just who to ask for a photo of an adorable baby with adoring parents. My friends, Michael and Heather, have a great-looking baby girl, Lucy, who I’ve often seen on Facebook since her birth ten months ago.
So I wrote them, explaining that I needed a photo of the two of them with baby Lucy. To my surprise, they didn’t really have one. Not one! But why? But how?
It turned out that they’ve been making the oldest (and quite common) mistake in the book. While they have a ton of photos with mom and baby, another ton with dad and baby, and many cute photos of baby alone, they don’t have many photos of the three of them together—because someone other than one of the two parents would have to take the photos, and, in the rush of being a first year parent, they just hadn’t thought to ask anyone.
Always ask. Ask the grandparents, ask your friends, ask your neighbors. Ask anyone, really.
Years from now, you’re going to want a few trio shots in the mix of your memories.
Speaking as someone who only has a few himself, they are worth capturing.