Has your child ever gotten something stuck in a tree? Has a
towering Central Park oak or maple swallowed your kid’s
kite or taken your tot’s toy? The scenario is hilarious and its comedic
potential is fully realized in Stuck (Philomel
Books, 2011) by Brooklyn-based author and illustrator Oliver Jeffers. —
In this
delicately drawn picture book, little Floyd (a precocious protagonist, to say the least!) uses a shoe, a bucket of paint, a
ladder, a whale—even the kitchen sink!—in an effort to free his kite from the
clutches of a gigantic tree. Wait and see how he handles a sticky situation as your children read all about out how Floyd
resolves the crisis with resourcefulness and aplomb.
What’s more, Stuck has recently made it onto the New York Times Best Seller list. Trust us–parents will enjoy Oliver Jeffers’ humor more than the kids will. And for more from this witty Brit, check out oliverjeffers.com.
$16.99, amazon.com