Top Tweets of the Weeks (April 9, 2012)

Oh Monday, Monday, Monday. You’re here, inevitably, and the only thing to do (besides inhale tons of coffee and wonder if it’s warm enough to ditch my coat when I take my lunch break) is to embrace it! And what better way than to start Tweet Beat with some great news? Ready? Drum roll, please…ahem!

How great is this! On Friday April 6, we got an email from Lee Hirsch, the director and producer of The Bully Project. Here’s what he had to say: “For the 13 million kids bullied every year we have some huge news — the MPAA has lowered Bully’s rating from R to PG-13. Now every teen in America will have access to this film.” As big supporters of this film and the idea that every child should have the opportunity to see it, we are psyched! Have you seen the film yet? Has your child? What do you think?

I wrote about National Autism Awareness Day in last week’s Top Tweets of the Week, but did you know that all of April is Autism Awareness month? I bet you did because our readers are awesome and in-the-know, and I’m sure we all agree that awareness about special needs in general should be a day-to-day thing, not something that we only acknowledge on specific days or months. In honor of Autism Awareness month and in support of advocacy and awareness everywhere, we write Special Parent, a magazine dedicated to families of children with special needs. But per most things in life, the magazine is actually useful for all parents, and more than that, all people. Check out our coverageand let us know what you think–we want to start the conversation.

Lucky! Can Benjamin teach me to like matzoh? It’s shaping up to be a long week.

I was wondering how the Samoa cookies would turn out…does anyone else follow other people’s cooking adventures via Twitter or am I all alone with this 2012-specific habit?

Um, who wants to make this and bring it into the office for me? It’s Passover so no cupcakes for this Jew, but surely I can eat the frosting by itself, right?

I’ve never met a craft I didn’t like, but this headline speaks the truth: even if you’re DIY Challenged, I promise you can do this.

“If you don’t celebrate they still make for a great Sunday brunch item!” It’s like they know my heart and they’re speaking directly to my feelings.

What perfect timing! As someone who loves to-do lists almost as much as food but has a tendency to over-schedule herself, this idea strikes me as genius. A+, Frank Addante, and brownie points to Kathleen for bringing it to my attention.

This is a food-heavy tweet beat, because who doesn’t like to whip up some treats for the holidays (or really any day!) I interviewed Cricket Azimafor our Spring Special Parent issue and she shared her philosophy that cooking is for everyone, which is certainly a mission statement that I can get behind.

And to conclude, a huge congrats to NYC Dads Group on their 3,000th follower! The support is well-deserved, and we’re glad to be 1/3000 of it. Join us on Mondays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us @NYMetroParents for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, exclusive deals and discounts, and occasionally hilarious staff banter. If you want us to consider your tweet for next week, tag it #nymptt; if you see a tweet that deserves a mention let us know.