“The Tempest,” presented by Identity Theater, is premieiring at the The Underground Theater of El Barrio’s Artspace from Sept. 9 to Sept. 18. This performance is a reimagining of Shakespeare’s final play “The Tempest.” Set on a remote island, exiled sorcerer Prospero plots to restore his daughter, Miranda, to her rightful place in court and conjures a storm (the tempest) to lure his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso to his island. There, his machinations bring about revelation, redemption, and romance. Recommended for teens.
Identity Theater was formed as a place where disabled actors could come and work. It creates socially relevant productions and promotes tolerance.
“The Tempest,” Sept. 9 through 18 — Friday at 8 pm, Saturday at 2 pm and 8 pm, and Sunday at 3 pm. All tickets $15.
The Underground Theater of El Barrio’s Artspace (215 E. 99th St. at Third Avenue on the Upper East Side, www.brown