Having a child under Ideal circumstances (is there anyone who does?) paints a rosy, easy and carefree picture; where everyone loves each other all the time, no one ever quarrels or bickers, no one is ever cranky, bossy, or in a bad mood; there is all the money, time and patience one needs, and perfection is a daily given.
These are the kinds of tales and scenarios that were prevalent on 50s and 60s TV family sitcoms, but they are not the stuff of “real life,” as we all know so well.
We get pregnant and we are overwhelmed with joy at the anticipation and the expectation of a fully healthy and perfect new baby arriving for us to raise and take joy in. We wait for perfections that seldom manifest and it’s a rare couple who are prepared for the fantasy to crumble and the arrival or development of a challenged child.
Being a parent of a Special Needs Child is daunting at the least and heroic at the best. It is scary, disappointing, and demanding. It is not, however, necessarily isolating and does not need to be without support, guidance, or community. There is much help, assistance and directional expertise throughout the New York area.
This month we are presenting two good articles on Dyslexia, perhaps the most diagnosed special issue for today’s children. Years ago parents were told their child “was not paying attention in class” or “didn’t seem interested in the work” or was unmotivated, etc. Fortunately, accurate early testing and tried techniques are now available to give children with this issue the help they need.
We publish content like this on a regular basis because there is a need and a demand for information. The staff of our media group is loaded with parents, and, of course, we are all also children ourselves, however grown we are. We are woven into the fabric of the family experience and our core motivation in publishing is to help and inform.
We have much to give thanks for and in this month and season of international harvest Thanksgiving celebrations, ceremonies and feasts; we also give thanks to you, our readers, for your continued loyalty and feedback and to the many professionals throughout our communities who contribute in numerous ways to our effort. So many writers share their expertise with us, so many readers their stories and their responses to our editorial, and that helps to make this FREE magazine continue to continue.
As we all celebrate on November 24th our American Thanksgiving Day, may we all be grateful for the plenty we have and for the opportunities of expression and sharing we hold so dear. Thanks for reading and Happy Holiday!