They are coming to America, in “Amerike – The Golden Land” at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, from July 10 through Aug. 6.
Experience the musical journey of an immigrant people. Their story is told through the songs and stories that inspired and sustained generations who built new lives in America.
As this country grapples with questions related to immigration, assimilation, and social freedoms, this show brings to life the accounts of the men, women, and children whose shared experiences met and overcame adversity to ultimately help shape the land of free. In Yiddish with English and Russian supertitles. For older children.
“Amerike – The Golden Land,” July 10 through Aug. 6, Mondays, 7:30 pm; Wednesdays, 2 pm; Thursdays, 2 pm and 7:30 pm; and Sundays, 2 pm and 6 pm. Tickets are $35 to $60. For older teens.
Museum of Jewish Heritage [36 Battery Pl. at First Place in the Financial District, (646) 437–4202; www.mjhny