The College of Optometrists in Vision Development designed the following chart for parents and teachers:
Symptoms of possible vision problems
• Complains of blurred vision
• Rubs eyes frequently
• Squints
Nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism (inability to see clearly in the distance or up close)
• Closes or covers one eye
• Occasionally sees double
• Able to read for only a short time
• Poor reading comprehension
Eye coordination problems (inability to coordinate the eyes together effectively)
• Holds things very close
• Complains of blurred vision
• Poor reading comprehension
• Says eyes are tired
• Able to read for only a short time
• Has headaches when reading
Eye focusing problems (inability to easily refocus eyes or maintain clear focus)
• Moves head excessively when reading
• Frequently loses place and/or skips lines when reading
• Uses finger to keep place
• Poor reading comprehension
• Short attention span
Eye tracking problems (inadequate ability to smoothly and accurately move the eyes from one point to another)
• Mistakes words with similar beginnings
• Difficulty recognizing letters, words, or simple shapes and forms
• Can’t distinguish the main idea from insignificant details
• Trouble learning basic math concepts of size, magnitude, and position
Faulty visual form perception (inability to discriminate differences in size, shape, or form)
• Trouble visualizing what is read
• Poor reading comprehension
• Poor speller
• Trouble with mathematical concepts
• Poor recall of visually presented material
Faulty visual memory (inability to remember and understand what is seen)
• Sloppy handwriting and drawing
• Can’t stay on lines
• Poor copying skills
• Can respond orally but not in writing
Faulty visual motor integration (inability to process and reproduce visual images by writing or drawing)
• Trouble learning right and left
• Reverses letters and words
• Trouble writing and remembering letters and numbers
Difficulty with laterality and directionality (poor development of left/right awareness)
Visual perceptual skills which include visual form testing, visual memory, visual motor integration, and laterality/directionality are performed based on the individual’s needs.