If you’re searching for an OB/GYN, midwife, doula, or lactation consultant, there’s no shortage of qualified people in the NYC area. Start by asking trusted friends for recommendations, but don’t take their advice as the last word. Follow your instincts.
Use Google or one of your childbirth reference books to really understand the role of each provider, taking note of questions to ask when interviewing the kind of health care provider you’re interested in working with.
For OB/GYNs: The major local hospitals have referral services. We also recommend trying the search engine at castleconnolly.com, which gathers Best Doctors lists using peer referrals.
For doulas: DONA International, NYC Doula Service, The Metropolitan Doula Group, and Mama Views for its Rate My Baby Nurse directory. You can also speak to your OB/GYN.
For baby nurses: Try Mama Views for its Rate My Baby Nurse directory.
For midwives: Try the American College of Nurse-Midwives and Choices in Childbirth.
For our 2013 Baby Guide, click here.