Healthy or hazardous? One mom addresses her concerns with the growing number of pregnant women who are doing crossfit throughout their pregnancies. (Momaroo)
The Family and Medical Leave Act, signed in 1993, finally allowed working mothers to take a three-month maternity leave, without the fear of termination. Twenty years later, and families are still wondering when a paid leave will be introduced to the law. (Huffington Post)
In honor of Black History Month, why not help your children embrace diversity? Take the opportunity to talk about race, racism, and our nation’s history. (She Knows)
New mom, Drew Barrymore shares why she chose to embrace Judaism as a wife and mother. (People)
After discovering how boring babies can be, one mom decides to implement a phone curfew on herself so she’ll spend more quality time with her newborn. Can you relate? (Salon)
One article explores the phenomenon of why dads get praised for taking care of kids just because moms are traditionally expected to do most of the childcare. (The Atlantic)
Kids…they grow up so fast. Or do they? This blogger explains how raising a 12-year-old and raising a toddler is actually a very similar experience. (Chicago Now)
Why do mothers often find themselves taking the lead in parenting? In this dicey dialogue, a mother and father debate whether moms really want dads to be more dominant parents. (New York Times)
When one parent has a substance problem, the last thing you want to do is talk about it with your kids. But studies show they’ll be better off if you do. Here, one psychiatrist gives tips for helping children understand a parent’s addiction. (Huffington Post)
One study explores the benefits of midwives and the potential medical savings due to increasing use of birthing centers over hospitals. (TIME)
From soups to salads, from eggs to noodles, here are 8 hearty, healthy dishes your kids will love, courtesy of the Brooklyn Supper bloggers. (People)