Looking for a venue to hold a birthday party for your child with special needs? There’s a new option right on Long Island.
Parents of children with special needs have unique joys and challenges. Often, one of the latter is planning a birthday party. It can be really hard to find a venue where the environment, activities, and vibe is geared to children with special needs. That’s why we were excited to hear the news that Life WORC’s Family Center for Autism, an organization which scores of local families already rely on and trust, is now hosting birthday parties.
Located in Garden City, the center holds the parties in their modern, spacious kitchen. You’ll have staff dedicated to hosting your individual party and helping out with anything you might need on the big day. Packages vary, including either a pizza or bagel meal, paper goods, and more. Gluten-free options are available.
For more info, visit FCautism.org or call 516-355-9400.
Read more about new and cool birthday party options and the lastest local special needs resources.