The Kid’s Korner Preschool, which offers classes for ages 16 months to 5 years, now offers gentle separation classes in Chelsea for ages 16-22 months and their caregivers.
The Kid’s Korner Preschool offers classes for children ages 2-5. A pre-kindergarten class is offered three to five days per week, a class for 2- and 3-year-olds is available five days a week in both full- or half-day schedules, and a toddler class is offered for children ages 16-22 months.
The toddler class, the school’s newest program, is a gentle separation class that children and parents both attend. The class is capped at four children and their caregivers, director Jennifer Denza says. “We wanted to help children acclimate to a school program,” she says. “It is something that is needed in our school and neighborhood.”
The class is offered two days a week, and parents can choose either Monday and Wednesdays, or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes run for one hour, from 2-3pm. The fall session begins Oct. 5 and runs through Dec. 14. There are still openings for the Tuesday-Thursday session, Denza says.
The application for the class is available online and require parents to choose the days they would prefer. Classes are on a first-come, first-served basis.
The preschool is scheduled to host an open house on Nov. 9 at 4pm, when parents can learn about the program and tour the school. Enrollment for the winter session starts in November, and classes for that session will begin in January.
Main photo: The play yard at The Kid’s Korner Preschool