This holiday season, there will be lots of delighted squeals when someone in the family opens a package containing a new mobile digital device. Often, those squeals are from toddlers and even babies who are as mesmerized by new technology as their parents and older sibs.
Little kids have an uncanny ability to manipulate touch screens, and programmers are responding with a robust collection of so-called “baby apps.” All of this begs the question: Is mobile access to interactive technology good for tots?
For many parents, a first rush of pride — look what he can do! — gives way to unease, especially when kids clamor constantly for the phone. A recent article in the New York Times told the story of one tot who hid her mom’s phone under her bed so she would be able to use it whenever she wanted.
The research about how cellphones and other mobile devices impact young brains is years away. In the meantime, parents can draw on what we do know about child development to make wise decisions on behalf of kids. Here are some suggestions:
Defer to development
Common sense says you shouldn’t give electronic equipment to a child who drools or reflexively puts things in his mouth. Ditto for the child who is still conducting if-I-drop-this-what-will-happen experiments.
Pick time & place
Little kids often have to accompany their parents to places that strain their patience. Even a car ride can be a trial for a toddler. In these settings, a mobile device may be a merciful way to pass the time. It’s also an opportunity for parents establish limits: “You can hold Mommy’s phone while we’re in the car and then you’ll give it back to Mommy.” Like other limits, this one will work only if you enforce it. The best way to create a cellphone junkie is to give your child random access to the device. Instead, think through the rules you want to establish and keep them simple. Be consistent.
Encourage mobility
Despite their name, mobile devices actually discourage mobility. Kids who use them tend to stay planted firmly on their fannies, staring at a tiny screen. The American Academy of Pediatrics continues to recommend that children under the age of 2 have no time in front of screens of any size. For children over 2, the recommended daily allowance is one hour. Both of these rules are regularly violated even by very conscientious parents, in part because everyone — including those parents — needs a little downtime now and then. Kids, however, need much, much more uptime. A child who is running, climbing, bouncing and playing may need more supervision than one who is glued to a screen, but research shows that active play promotes both physical and mental development. Screen time may also promote certain kinds of development but the benefits are unclear and unconfirmed, so moderation makes sense.
Of all the things children learn in their first six years, language is one of the most important. Here the research is crystal clear. Talking to little children — even infants — encourages more rapid and more complex neural development. Fooling with a mobile device or, for that matter, any other toy, is more enriching if parents talk about what’s happening and, with older children, encourage them to talk, too. Not only is this fun but it lays the ground work for the idea that, instead of being the main event, technology is valuable because it supports relationships.
Maintain ownership
Unless the kid is paying the bills, the phone belongs to the parent (older children should be reminded about this rule, too). You set limits about lipstick, sharp knives, and the TV remote, so spend some time thinking about whether, and when, you want to allow access.
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Despite all the innovations in technology, the ingredients for a good childhood remain surprisingly constant: loving, engaged parents; sensible, consistent limits; safe and abundant opportunities to explore the world. For children who have those essentials in place, a little time spent with — or without — a mobile interactive device won’t much matter.
Carolyn Jabs, MA, has been writing about families and the Internet for over 15 years. She is the mother of three computer-savvy kids. Other Growing Up Online columns appear on her website
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