For all of the laughs and fun, your videos also have moments of seriousness and transcendence—like when you held O’Zell for the first time in the hospital. I know you’re an entertainer, but is it also important to you to “keep it real” and to reveal the more serious sides of your life?
It is very important to be authentic with my audience. They know so much about me and I let them into my home life as our family grows. I always want to keep a real relationship with my fans.
It was amazing to watch your journey through fertility and birth and having your baby on Awestruck’s “Glo All In” series. I feel like you humanized the idea of having a surrogate. What kind of feedback did you get from viewers? Also, what advice do you have for people who are considering using a surrogate?
Using a surrogate was the only option for me to have a biological child. My husband and I are thankful that we love our surrogate Shawna and her family. When everyone gets along and cares for one another you become family by choice for life. Some of my viewers are young and didn’t know anything about surrogacy. Being open with my fertility journey [helped] my younger fans understand that families happen in different ways and [I would say] to others: “Don’t be embarrassed if you want children and need help.”
Last I saw, your daughter was still sleeping a lot during the day and keeping you up at night. Will there be a sleep expert in a future episode?
She still sleeps [during] the day and turns up at night. I’ve learned to take cat naps and function while being exhausted. Yes! I need sleep expert! Do they have those for 2-month-old babies?!
O’Zell’s has a lot of green stuff—just like you! Is there any hope for this girl if she ends up preferring a different color? And has green been your trademark from the start of your personal style—or did you start that when you started your career as a comedian and starting making videos?
Green, green, green! People give me a lot of green at this point. O’Zell has brought a lot of new colors in my life. I really started wearing so much green a few years ago so my fans knew for sure it was me. Now my whole closet is green! I need a clothing color expert!
Do you have a video that stands out to you as your personal favorite?
I love the video “My Push Up Bra Will Help Me Get My Man Back.” But my most popular video is “The Cinnamon Challenge!” That one put me over the top. I almost died though. The things I do for my GloBugZ… “The Cinnamon Challenge” has over 50 million views.
In the two-month update video with your sister, you described your baby as “chill.” Right now, what is your biggest joy as new parent, and what is your biggest challenge?
I’m chill because the baby is chill. Everyone comments, including her doctor, [about] how calm she is. My biggest challenge is getting a sibling for O’Zell. It took years and plenty of doctors but I won’t give up. Also I hope O’Zell doesn’t mind all the videos, pictures, and social media I’ve done for myself and her!