Fatherhood facts
Percent of single parents who are men: 15
Number of children 84-year-old Kenyan polygamist Ancentus Akuku believes he fathered through his more than 100 marriages: 160
Estimated number of fundamentalist Mormons practicing polygamy today, in spite of its condemnation by the Mormon church: 50,000
Number of neckties sold each year in the United States: 100 million
Year Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti was buried wearing what’s thought to be the first necktie: 210 B.C.
Summer snippets
Percent of children who consider ice-cream shakes the best summer thirst quencher: 27
Percent who prefer lemonade: 26
Cost for a week at Princess Prep, a London-based camp to teach girls ages 8–11 how to behave like royalty, airfare not included: $3,995
Percent of people who would go ahead with an outdoor barbecue they planned even if it rained: 50
Percent of children who consider Disney World their favorite amusement park: 38
Cost per night to stay in a three-bedroom grand villa at Walt Disney World’s new Bay Lake Tower: $1,845
Percent of children who bring watermelon to the beach for a snack: 42
Percent who bring potato chips: 36
Sources: Census.gov, Infoplease.com, Scholastic.com, Maclean’s, Notmuch.com, Ducksters.com, Disneyworld.disney.go.com