The 2015 New York Baby Show, which took place on May 16-17 at Pier 92 in New York City, introduced thousands of new and expectant parents to a variety of products and services in the baby and maternity realms. We also had a prestigious panel of judges on hand–from leading publications and organizations in the parenting world–to select this year’s Best in Show Awards. As you’ll see for yourself in the slideshow below the six winners and four honorable mentions are notable for their variety and excellence.
Our expert judges include Maria Colaco, of TTPM; Nicole Felicano, of MomTrends; Lauren Greene, of The Bump; Rory Halperin, of Mommy Nearest; Whitney Harris, of Stroller Traffic; Jenna Helwig, of Parents magazine; Erica Hill, of “Weekend TODAY;” Andrea Lee, of City Births; Brianne Manz, of Stroller In The City; Stephanie Mayers, of Cool Mom Picks; Jane Morales, of the Mamas Network; Heather Ouida & Laura Peyser Deutsch, of Mommybites; Jessica Pallay & Kaity Velez, of Well Rounded NY; Alison Qualter Berna & Allison Schlanger, of apple seeds; Nancy Redd, of HuffPost Live; Matt Schneider & Lance Somerfeld, of the NYC Dads Group; and Julie Tiedrich, of GILT.