“My child is 3 and still in diapers.” “My child is 5 and wetting the bed at night, what do I do?” These concerns and others are addressed in Dr. Baruch Kushnir’s new book “The Magic Bowl,” a parent’s guide to potty training.
This sensitive subject is handled with sound practical advice and good humor for parents and includes a great DVD for children.
“The toilet training process varies between different cultures, families, siblings and even twins,” says Kushnir, adding, “The process should be carried out in a positive atmosphere that emphasizes success and avoids punishments, penalties and expressions of anger and disappointment.”
Kushnir leads parents step by step through each phase of the process from when training should be begin, “Am I ready for the toilet-training process,” in chapter one, to the more advanced stages of “How and when to teach how to wipe?” in chapter four.
The DVD, “Magic Bowl,” is fun to watch with catchy tunes, just right for 2, 3 and 4 year olds to understand. The talking toilet is a hoot, too! A must-read.
“The Magic Bowl: Potty Training Made Easy” by Dr. Baruch Kushnir; Price World Publishing, 160 pages, plus DVD; $19.95.