Happy Veteran’s Day, America! Like this young patriot we spotted on Fifth Ave. in Manhattan, ready to salute veterans as they marched by in the parade, we honor and celebrate everyone who has served this country. Thanks to those brave men and women, we live in a democracy that grants us our freedoms—like the right to vote in the midterm elections last week. Many of you shared the experience with your children, helping to mold the next generation of the country’s leaders. Go U.S.A.!
Yep, she went there. @haydenpanettier reveals her pregnancy weight gain http://t.co/pPs5pFCt0w — The Bump (@thebump) November 3, 2014
Hayden Panettier breaks the silence that typically surrounds celebrities and anykind of weight gain, pregnancy or not. You go, girl.
Halloween recap, #specialneeds parent perspective http://t.co/VhYu7ksytC — Ellen Seidman (@LoveThatMax) November 3, 2014
@LoveThatMax’s blog post covers the trials and the ultimate successes of celebrating Halloween! Find more yes-you-can articles for activities you and your child with special needs can accomplish.
Life Lessons on the Playground: Why I am the mom you hate. http://t.co/AVQNC4xoFJ — Stephanie Barnhart (@citymomsecrets) November 4, 2014
Why @citymomsecrets is a laissez-fairemother.
Parents Day! http://t.co/AzTw9nw8H1 — Suzanne Chan (@momconfessional) November 4, 2014
A photo posted by Suzanne Chan (@momconfessionals) onNov 11, 2014 at 9:18am PST
Even better than bring-your-child-to-work day.
Boat watching in our hood while enjoying the glorious weather we had today #electionday http://t.co/zasUXe3cu8 — Brianne Manz (@strollerincity) November 5, 2014
A photo posted by Brianne Manz (@strollerinthecity) onNov 11, 2014 at 5:20pm PST
What a beautiful day to exercise your right to vote.
Tips for taking kids to the polls with you today! #vote #electionday http://t.co/CTud54aLbz — Erica {MomandKiddo} (@momandkiddo) November 4, 2014
Great tips for introducing your children to the importance of voting long before they’re old enough to cast a ballot.
Photo: Afternoon naps. #beastandmoto http://t.co/2MpyXO3ly8 — MariaColaco (@mariacolaco) November 5, 2014
Moto and Beast are frequently featured in @mariacolaco’s social media pages, and it’s not hard to see why! #snugglesfordays
We made our favorite play-dough on this rainy day. http://t.co/aBNqMp3YSy — Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom) November 7, 2014
A photo posted by girlgonemom (@girlgonemom) onNov 11, 2014 at 4:25pm PST
Getting crafty is one of the best ways to pass a rainy day. Find more awesome activities for rainy day play in our indoor fun guide!
#Preschooler helping to sort laundry, #toddler is helping to set the table. Love #kidchores . What do your littles ones tackle to help? — Jeanne Russell, CLC (@ConfidentMama) November 9, 2014
When all three of us were young, I remember setting the dinner table with my older siblings. It was my job to fold the napkins! The hardest chore I’ve done lately was helping to narrow down the hundreds of submissions in our Halloween Photo Contest—there were so many costumed cuties to choose from! See this year’s winners here. Maybe you’ll be inspired for the perfect costume for next Halloween! Join us on Tuesdays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, and exclusive deals and discounts. Join the conversation by tweeting at us, @NYMetroParents—maybe you’ll see your tweet here next week!