Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Tweet Beat. I’m sure you’re anxiously awaiting some wise words via tweets, so let’s get started. This week we’re focusing on food, gender, and a few more things along the way.
What do you DO with your photos? ow.ly/cYbX7 — Rookie Moms (@rookiemoms) August 14, 2012
This was one of the most informative helpful posts I’ve ever read; an excellent subject and incredible comments! Amazing advice and ideas from so many different people. Thank you for spurring an important conversation for the photo-obsessed among us.
All hale the
#kale! youtube.com/watch?v=p3-Swj…#healthyfood#kids#snacks — Tiffany C. (@TiffanysToyBox) August 20, 2012
I personally bow down to anyone who can convince kids that food that is good for them is also actually good. And what a fun video with Tristin and Tyler.
My stomach just growled so loudly I thought there was a bear in the room with me. — Jen Mitchell (@buriedwithkids) August 20, 2012
I relate. This is a real thing that happens sometimes.
GWN mentee pair featured in
@nymetroparents on the importance of mentoring for youth! Congrats to Monica and Elaine! bit.ly/NgZomA — Girls Write Now (@girlswritenow) August 22, 2012
I’ve loved Girls Write Now’s mission for a long time, so imagine my delight to find out we were teaming up with them to write about how important it is to be a mentor. Make sure to check out the article in our September issue (or just read it online).
My teen is in the kitchen making me a late breakfast and coffee. No. Really. — Carol Cain (@CarolACain) August 13, 2012
On August 13, the award for “Luckiest Mom” went to Carol Cain! But now I’m curious: What was the late breakfast? I could go for an egg and cheese sandwich right about now…
we absolutely love this picture and had to share! fb.me/12V4OPPBs — Pink Chicken NY (@pinkchickenNYC) August 14, 2012
This is possibly the cutest photo ever. Does anyone disagree? HOW CAN YOU DISAGREE?
Parents as gender warrior heroes: trying to understand boys in dresses ow.ly/cWpoF — Babble.com (@BabbleEditors) August 14, 2012
I loved this piece by Deb Roxwhich implores us to “talk, read, inquire and think together on gender.” Kudos to Babble for publishing such a thoughtful essay on a complex topic.
Harrods has done away with “boy” and “girl” sections in its toy store: ow.ly/cXeEa. via
@todaymoms — Rosie Pope(@RosiePope) August 14, 2012
And speaking of gender, Harrods has made some changes in its toy store. What do you — or more importantly, your kids — think about this shift?
I want to do this -> -> Learning to Make Pasta in Italy vsb.li/LeTcmt via
@satuvw — Katja of Skimbaco (@skimbaco) August 14, 2012
Two words: ME. TOO.
Fun in the sun.instagr.am/p/OUdoL9urmI/ — Issa Mas (@IssaMas) August 14, 2012
What an adorable family! With Labor Day just around the corner, summer really is coming to an end…can you believe it? Soak up the rays while you can, because soon we’ll all be in wool sweaters, carrying book bags and sipping pumpkin chai lattes. I can’t say I’m not looking forward to the fall season, because of course I am…but I’d like to make the most of these warm carefree days while I can. I hope you and your family do the same. Join us on Mondays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us @NYMetroParents for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, exclusive deals and discounts, and occasionally hilarious staff banter. If you want us to consider your tweet for next week, tag it #nymptt; if you see a tweet that deserves a mention let us know.