Hello and welcome to a particularly robust Tweet Beat! You may have noticed that we were MIA last week — why, you may ask? Well, we were volunteering at P.S. 328 in Brooklyn with City Arts NYC. Our whole company, Davler Media Group, took the day off from our desks and hopped on the L to contribute our time and artistic abilities (or, ahem, lack thereof) to a beautiful mural at the school. We missed you, but we had a fantastic day. To make up for our absence, I’ve put together a large post for today, and I’ve even included a cute painting photo of some of our staff members as a treat at the end. I know some of you are tired out from #BlogHer12, which others may be still reeling with excitement from @MarsCuriositylast night/this morning, so let’s dive in to this diverse post before we all fall asleep. I’ve got some tweets that will wake you right up!
(Fill in the blank) Before the summer is over, I really hope to_______! — NY Mom’s World (@nymomsworld) August 3, 2012
Where did the summer go?! There is so much that I still want to do. How do I even begin to fill in that empty space? I want to write millions of words. Yikes! What would you write?
When talking to your child about tough-to-explain news, let his/her questions be the guide. bit.ly/MWpZj4 — PARENTandCHILD (@PARENTandCHILD) July 25, 2012
In light of the sad events of the past few weeks, this is great advice.
@nymetroparents I wish this conversation weren’t a necessary one, but our world isn’t always what we wish. bit.ly/OjovRi#Aurora — Dawn Roode (@DawnRoode) July 23, 2012
If you’re struggling to talk with your kids about the recent national tragedies, hopefully our guide will help. Dawn sure is right: the world is not always what we wish.
Totally Off topic- but am so happy to have my art (the seascape) on the cover of House Beautiful Magazine this… fb.me/YSXH9WEz — Karen Connell (@achildgrows) August 2, 2012
In happier news; congrats! The art is beautiful and it is so nice to be recognized.
More power to her?? Snooki Plans to Wear Heels & Makeup During Delivery (For Real) thestir.cafemom.com/pregnancy/1413… via
@the_stir — Mary Fischer (@TheMommyologist) August 2, 2012
To each her own. More power to her, indeed!
When an email starts out with “Hi Blogger”? It’s getting deleted. — Kimberly M. (@KimberlyAMuro) August 1, 2012
Consider this a PSA on email étiquette.
PSA: Please stop with the auto-DMs. We beg you. — The SITS Girls (@SITSGirls) August 1, 2012
And here’s your matching PSA on Twitter étiquette.
seriously people – do not add people to your mailing list unless they opt in. period. — Rachel Blaufeld(@backngroovemom) August 1, 2012
And hey, why not, a little more email étiquette!
And then one day you see this in your rear view mirror. twitter.com/CleverTitleTK/… — Jennifer Mendelsohn (@CleverTitleTK) August 1, 2012
If I ever see this in my rear view mirror one day I will be incredibly happy. What a cutie!
Sometimes I wish I were British so I could pull off using the word “frock” — nicole feliciano (@momtrends) July 26, 2012
Wait, am I not allowed to use “frock” if I’m not British? Oops.
On my way to take a sewing class! For some reason I’m convinced I’m going to be able to make a dress in one session! — Brianne Manz (@strollerincity) July 25, 2012
That sounds like my kind of mentality. Except I would say “frock.” Good luck with your classes — I hope you’ve made a beautiful frock!
I’m not scared of the thunder. I happen to enjoy curling up in the fetal position in my bathtub. Yes, *while* sucking my thumb, shut up — Alice Bradley (@finslippy) July 26, 2012
Crazy weather yields crazy funny tweets and I love it.
Don’t know why some of you correct my grammar. I’M A BABY. You should be proud I can even type. — Honest Toddler (@HonestToddler) July 27, 2012
In the words of Drake: I’m so I’m so I’m so I’m so I’m so proud of you!
My Kid Was Being Bullied, So I Did What I Had To-this was a REALLY hard article to write lifetimemoms.com/family-parenti… via
@lifetimemoms — Melissa Chapman (@MelissaSChapman) July 25, 2012
Extremely brave article. What would you do in a similar situation?
What Are You Worth? Five Things To Remember – tinyurl.com/brt8kf8
#motherhood#branding — Rene Syler (@goodenufmother) July 25, 2012
Know your worth and others will, too — such an important lesson.
DID YOU KNOW? Babies are born without kneecaps. — Social Rugrats (@SocialRugratNYC) July 25, 2012
I had no idea. Shocked. I’m not kidding. No kneecaps?!
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” C.S. Lewis, we agree. — Scholastic (@Scholastic) July 23, 2012
C.S. Lewis and Scholastic…count me in, three!
Did you miss us yesterday? Our company was painting murals at P.S. 328 in Brooklyn with
@cityartsnyc! twitter.com/NYMetroParents… — NY Metro Parents (@NYMetroParents) July 31, 2012
And now, as promised, the grand finale: our crew painting last Monday! I hope you can forgive me for being away from Twitter and my computer to enjoy the sunshine and lend an artistic hand. We had an amazing day at P.S. 328 painting with City Arts NYC! Thanks for having us. We’ll be back to our regular Tweet Beats next Monday, so make sure you’re hilarious, insightful, sentimental, and adorable this week so I have a lot of content to choose from! Join us on Mondays for more Top Tweets. In the meantime, follow us @NYMetroParents for practical parenting advice, local events in the NY Metro area, exclusive deals and discounts, and occasionally hilarious staff banter. If you want us to consider your tweet for next week, tag it #nymptt; if you see a tweet that deserves a mention let us know.