“The Tiny King,” a beautiful picture book by Taro Miura, is the perfect gift to share at your 2- to 5-year-old Valentine’s bedtime. With bright, bold colors and collage, Miura tells a fairy tale about a monarch who had an army of soldiers, but no one to love — until he meets a big princess. After they marry, the tiny king has even more people to love, as 10 children come along. Now, the castle is full of laughter, and the king’s surrounded by those he loves at the table, on the big white horse, in the bath, and in his bed. “The Tiny King” is a heart-warming story that reminds tiny and tall parents alike why we embarked on this raising-a-family-adventure in the first place.
“The Tiny King” book by Taro Miura, $14.99, www.barnesandnoble.com.