parents can help their kids succeed at school, and shares new research
about studying and retention that can help anyone learn, from a fourth
grader learning long division to a parent preparing for a presentation. Click here to read the article, and see our other picks below!—
Give It A Shot: Experts weigh in on what immunizations your children need and when, plus dispel myths about vaccines. (
Talking Through Trauma: As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Sue
Shellenbarger of the WSJ’s parenting blog “The Juggle” shares thoughts
on helping children get through traumatizing disasters. (The Juggle)
Let’s Get Cooking: Inspire some culinary inspiration at your family dinner table with one of these great cooking classes for kids in NYC. (Mommy Poppins)
Momsense: Author, actress in her one-woman-show and blogger Amy Wilson shares her concern with her two-year-old daughter’s belief that "Mommy doesn’t work." (The Mother Load)
Baby Play: Experts share the best toys, accessories and products to help your baby or toddler’s development. (