The Best Of The Web: September 8th Edition

This week our favorite family-focused article came from Benedict Carey at the New York Times, who debunks popular myths about how
parents can help their kids succeed at school, and shares new research
about studying and retention that can help anyone learn, from a fourth
grader learning long division to a parent preparing for a presentation. Click here to read the article, and see our other picks below!—

Give It A Shot: Experts weigh in on what immunizations your children need and when, plus dispel myths about vaccines. (

Talking Through Trauma: As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, Sue
Shellenbarger of the WSJ’s parenting blog “The Juggle” shares thoughts
on helping children get through traumatizing disasters. (The Juggle)

Let’s Get Cooking: Inspire some culinary inspiration at your family dinner table with one of these great cooking classes for kids in NYC. (Mommy Poppins)

Momsense: Author, actress in her one-woman-show and blogger Amy Wilson shares her concern with her two-year-old daughter’s belief that "Mommy doesn’t work." (The Mother Load)

Baby Play:  Experts share the best toys, accessories and products  to help your baby or toddler’s development. (