In the aftermath of the Caylee Marie Anthony murder trial, we thought it would be
useful to remind ourselves of where our time and efforts are best spent
when it comes to child and family welfare. Less chatter more action. There are still many at-risk children out there who need your help. Here is a list of local organizations doing great work. —
Women In Need, an organization that supports NYC’s homeless women and their families, is always looking for dedicated volunteers and Champions for Children. For more information, visit
The New York Foundling, a network that offers community-based services for children and families who need it most–from safe havens to foster care–can make a real difference with donor dollars and your involvement. For more information, visit
The New York Department of Family Services promotes child development and safety, and is responsible for foster care and adoption programs. For more information, visit
Children’s Rights, a national advocacy group for child welfare systems, works to prevent child abuse and neglect. For more information, visit
Also, of special interest to New Yorkers is The Children’s Health Fund’s Yankees Home Run Club. For more information, visit
If there is a lesson to be learned from this unspeakable tragedy, it is just how important volunteers and donations are to organizations that defend child and family safety. Doing your part is as simple as taking the first step, and reaching out to help those in need.
If a parent you know is either in danger or may be a danger to a child, please call 911 or 311 for immediate assistance. If a parent you know is in need of help, please encourage her to seek medical attention and possibly join a support group for behavioral or emotional problems.