Two Moms Write A Book About Everything Moms Should Know

Heather Gibbs Flett and Whitney Moss, two moms from Berkeley, Calif., wrote the book “Stuff Every Mom Should Know,” which is full of priceless and practical knowledge that all moms need. We’ve compiled a few excerpts, as well as a list of online lingo used in parenting forums, to give you a peek of what the book has to offer. 

Stuff Every Mom Should Know by Heather Gibbs Flett and Whitney Moss; Quirk BooksThis book (available on and is essentially a survival guide for mothers of newborns through teenagers. It covers all the basics, from swaddling your baby and hosting a slumber party to potty training 101 and how to survive parent-teacher conferences. And, since it’s a small book, throw it in your purse or diaper bag to read on the go! 


Comebacks for Unsolicited Parenting Advice
You’re out running errands or having an adventure with your child and someone approaches you with unsolicited parenting advice—what should you say to them?


Cheat Sheet of Parenting Philosophies and Trends
Authoritarian, Free-Range, Helicopter—you’ve heard of these parenting philosophies, but you aren’t quite sure what they mean. Here is a cheat sheet of parenting trends and their definitions.


Stuff You Should Know that We Can’t Tell You

  • The birth dates of all your children
  • The location of the security blanket or stuffed animals that should be rescued in case of a fire
  • The foods your child is allergic to
  • How much money the Tooth Fairy leaves
  • Which pizza toppings will satisfy the most members of your household
  • Your child’s current shoe size and clothing size
  • The phone number of your most reliable babysitter (and those of a few back-ups)
  • What your child looks like when he or she is lying
  • Which swear words are allowed in your house and at what ages
  • Which indulgence (chocolate, a long walk, trashy TV, or pedicures) will be your go-to after a challenging day of parenting


Mom on a computer who is confused by all the acronyms used on parenting forums.WIAM (What It All Means)
Have you ever tried to participate in an online parenting forum but have no idea what people are talking about because they write in acronyms? We’ve compiled a list of the most common acronyms so you can understand what’s being said and participate in the conversation.