December 2012 Table of Contents

The NYMetroParents December 2012 Winter Showcase and Holiday issue offers features on the top 10 holiday shows for families in New York City, gift ideas for kids, and whether it’s good for your child to have imaginary friends. Also find a tree farm to cut down your own Christmas tree in the New York area.

December NYMParents Cover



December 2012
Holiday Winter Showcase


Katona Museum of ArtFamily Outing
Katonah Museum of Art
This non-collecting Bedford, NY museum hosts a dozen art exhibits and corresponding programs for kids and families such as story times, art programs, family days, and school break programs.

Christmas Tree FarmsWhere-To Guide
Cut Your Own Christmas Tree
Find a Christmas tree farm in the New York City area to pick your own tree from its natural setting, cut it down, and cart it home.

Holiday Features

Family Around Christmas TreeHoliday Makeover
Keeping up with holiday family traditions can be harmful to your health and sanity. One mom encourages you to change how you celebrate and make your family traditions more manageable.

Holiday Shopping ListChecking Your List Twice
November—the beginning of the holiday season and the almost-end of the year—is, for one Long Island mom, a time to reflect on what she has learned from her family and children.

Boredom BustersBoredom Busters
When the weather keeps you inside, grab this handy list of fun activities—with items found in the house—to keep your kids from saying, “I’m bored.”

Boy with Building BlocksWhy Simple Toys Make Great
Holiday Gifts

There’s a reason why the Museum of Play chose “the stick” as toy of the year; it can be used as a wand, a sword, a ruler, and a flagpole. Open-ended toys result in open-ended play.

girl playing tea partyHealth
Are Imaginary Friends Okay?

Historically, imaginary friends have been regarded as compensatory creations, caused by absence of friends. New evidence provides a different perspective.

Woman searching online for a recipeFood & Nutrition
How to Tell If A Recipe is Worth Making

Online, you have millions of recipes at your fingertips, but they’re not all winners. Here are 6 tips for choosing a recipe, including how to know when a recipe is not worth trying.

Just for Fun

Quotables Decembers 2012Quotables
The Best of the Rest of the Web
From our December issue, a selection of thought-provoking, laugh-inducing, and just plain interesting facts and quotes from the web and the world of parenting.

Stuff We Like December 2012Stuff We Like
I Love NY
Think you know all there is to know about NYC? These five books for kids are all about the Big Apple and include NYC-themed activities and games, ideas for family outings, and trivia that…

Tips and Advice

Mom and Daughter playing video games

Resolutions Revisited
Set realistic New Year’s resolutions this year keeping in mind your role as a parent and a wife or husband.

Moms Who KickLong Island Spotlight
Moms Who Kick Battles Breast Cancer
A local charity in Long Island is fighting breast cancer by raising money for breast cancer research and increasing awareness about breast cancer.

Kids Doing YogaSports
Yogi Kids
Yoga helps kids stay healthy and it also helps kids release stress and gain confidence. Yoga classes for kids are all-inclusive, and you can practice yoga poses at home with your child, too.