Popular early childhood educational approaches

Bank Street

Less structured than some other programs, the Bank Street Development Interaction approach allows children to make their own choices in the classroom, while interacting with a wide variety of materials, ideas and people. This helps a child discover things in her own way, at her own pace.

The curriculum is based on the idea that children make sense of the world by actively studying it. Teachers encourage questioning and exploration as children start to make connections between their ideas and the surrounding environment.

Creative Curriculum

The Creative Curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to children’s learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. Play is considered children’s “work,” which prepares them for future academic learning. Teachers support active thinking and experimenting as children explore the world.

High Scope

Designed for children who need more individualized attention, the High Scope program implements a cognitive approach to learning, and values the working relationship between teachers and children. It stresses the idea that children need active hands-on experiences with people, materials, ideas and events in order to thrive. The curriculum is built around five main content areas: language, literacy and communication, social and emotional growth, physical development, health and well-being, and arts and sciences.


The Montessori method encourages child independence and self-direction.

The teacher acts as an active observer, preparing the classroom to best suit the individual student’s needs. Children value diversity and practice respect for self, others and the world around them.

Self-esteem is nurtured as children master skills and move on to the next developmental level in their work. In addition to language arts, mathematics, science, and cultural studies, the Montessori Method emphasizes sensorial and practical life work.

Reggio Emilia

The Reggio Emilia approach is a collaborative effort, involving teachers, students, parents, and community members. It emphasizes children’s symbolic relationships.

Teachers develop a project-based curricula based on students’ interests, and support learning through observation, dialogue, and documentation of children’s work. Learning is an ongoing process as children build relationships with others while making connections between ideas and their environment.


The Waldorf approach embraces the whole child — body, mind and soul. Early childhood educators model appropriate behavior, and children are encouraged to imitate what they see. Teachers also support physical, emotional, intellectual, and artistic growth by designing curriculum based on children’s stages of development and offering many opportunities for creative and imaginative play.

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Queens College Summer Camp

<p>Running from Wednesday, June 28th through Tuesday, August 22nd, the Queens College Summer Camp continues to be the hallmark and cornerstone of the Athletics and Recreation Department and a staple of summer plans in the NYC metropolitan area. The camp, which has always followed New York State Board of Health guidelines, will conduct this summer's programs following current state guidelines, which follow CDC recommendations regarding COVID-19. The camp's outdoor and indoor activities include:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Pool use.</li> <li>Use of the new turf fields.</li> <li>Other facilities around Queens College Campus. </li> </ul> <p>Five specially designed programs are available for the 2023 season:</p> <ol start="1" type="1"> <li>The Education and Sports will have three hours of academics. The rest of the day will include sports activities on the fields and gym games. Indoor Gym Games include obstacle courses, scooter games, and a daily introduction to basketball and swimming for ages 5-6. The older kids will participate in group sports such as basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, softball, and swimming. The counselor will remain with the group through all activities, including lunch. Choose the Education Academy based on the grade they will enter in September.</li> <li>Theater Arts Programs provide instruction in singing, dancing, and acting, culminating in a performance. Past productions included Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, and more.</li> <li>All Day Sports Academy provides instruction for developing generalized skills across various sports.</li> <li>Single Specialty Sports Camps provide individualized volleyball instruction by the college's coaches and varsity players.</li> <li>Counselor-in-Training Program A unique program created for teenagers focused on developing strong leaders. It helps prepare young adults for the next phase in their lives-college and the workplace.</li> </ol> <p>With summer right around the corner, there is no better time to secure your child's plans for July and August by enrolling them in the Queens College Summer Camp.</p> <p>For more details, visit the Queens College Summer Camp homepage, or email  <a href="mailto:qc.summercamp@qc.cuny.edu" target="_blank" rel="noopener">qc.summercamp@qc.cuny.<wbr />edu</a> for more information.</p>

STEAM Camp at the Cathedral School

<div> <p dir="ltr">STEAM Camp at the Cathedral School is an innovative summer day camp that welcomes all children rising to Kindergarten up to Grade 6. Blending craft, engineering, and technology, projects are designed to spark wonder in all of our campers. Campers also learn to design and prototype at our Innovation Lab equipped with 3D printers, laser cutter, robots, and other maker tech. When they need a break, campers are just steps away from our AquaZone for some refreshing splashes and water slide fun. </p> </div> <div> <p dir="ltr">STEAM campers are curious. They want to be makers, inventors, and problem solvers. Summer is a great time to tinker, explore, and play. Combining inventive hands-on projects with summer outdoor fun on our beautiful 11-acre campus, STEAM Camp is an ideal experience for all children in NYC. Come have a creative, whimsical, and STEAM-y summer with us! </p> </div> <div> <p dir="ltr">Choose one or both of our sessions:</p> </div> <div> <p dir="ltr">Session 1: Living Green with STEAM: Sustainable Design & Engineering</p> </div> <div> <p dir="ltr">Session 2: Maker Park Adventures: Circuits, Coding & Robotics</p> </div>

New Settlement Community Center

<p>Offering a host of healthy, fun and exciting programs for children ages 6 months and up, including ballet and hi-hop dance with Alvin Ailey, group and private swimm classes, mixed martial arts, youth technology, piano, violin and guitar lessons, and more.</p>