Peer2Peer Tutors, a national tutoring service part of Aristotle Circle, recently added Manhattan to the areas it offers its services. It also offers a unique Peer+ program, which combines academic tutoring with extracurricular activities in music, art, or sports.
Peer2Peer Tutors’s unique Peer+ program
combines academic tutoring with
fun extracurricular activities.
Peer2Peer Tutors, one of the top tutoring agencies in the country, added New York City to its coverage area in September 2012. Its tutors have more than 100,000 hours of tutoring experience in subjects including science, math, music, and art.
Tutors are hired from the top high schools and colleges around the country including MIT, Yale, and Northwestern. Peer2Peer works with its parent company, Aristotle Circle, the top admissions counseling and test preparation company, to train the tutors. “If [a student and tutor] have similar affinities, they are much more likely to have a connection,” says Suzanne Rheault, CEO of Aristotle Circle.
One of Peer2Peer Tutors’ unique services is Peer+, which combines academic tutoring with lessons in music, art, sports, or other extracurricular activities. “It is validating for students to be with a neat kid and see that it is cool to be smart,” says Monique Bloom, the director of product development at Aristotle Circle.
Peer2Peer also offers online tutoring in case a student has homework trouble late at night. Regular sessions can be pay-as-you-go or bought in 10, 20, or 40 packs, and if a client doesn’t use all their paid sessions, Peer2Peer gives the option to donate them to children who can’t afford the service.