I love this planet and have been fortunate to have seen a lot of it. When I was a youngster I traveled through books and as soon as I was old enough, I decided to see as much of it for myself as my pocketbook and my time would allow. I continue to, although time, energy and money are precious for the journeys I still want to make.
A lot has changed over these years. Many of the earth’s lands have entered the 21st Century with higher gross national products and have become more modernized. However, our air and water have deteriorated, and most recently, our earth has been going through enormous catastrophic upheavals — such as the horrendous earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which led to the subsequent nuclear disaster that still, as of this writing, has not been satisfied, and remains an ongoing trauma of the utmost proportions.
Regardless of the magnitude of these disastrous occurrences, we continue to encourage even the smallest conscientious behavior and awareness on the part of both adults and children alike. Without a doubt, we need to continue to raise the awareness of the corporate world, as well as promote individual responsible actions that send the message to everyone that we care what happens here, and that we want to leave a livable place for the future generations. We need to go beyond the profit motive in all we approach, and we need to have long range goals that will leave our grandchildren and their children a safe and prosperous world to enjoy and thrive in.
Proudly, we present this month a wonderful article about Staten Island’s Fresh Kills, which will be an amazing local makeover and will be the world’s largest land garbage dump turned into a gorgeous park.
Another article gives good ideas for what you and your family can do all year round to add your family’s “bit for the environment.” We can’t have enough good editorials about things like these, and we will continue to present as many as possible.
In depth articles that promote all kinds of positive actions families and individuals can part take in, in all areas of life, are proudly run here in our magazines, and also are posted on our terrific website. Visit us on www.webfamilyny.com, join us as friends on our Facebook pages, and please, share your ideas for what we, as neighbors in your communities, can do to help the world we live in. Thanks for reading us, and thanks for reading my columns, too!