Cat-lovers everywhere are feeling a sense of pride and validation as one little boy is heroically saved from a dog attack by his faithful feline. (CNN)
In a recent look at the google searches from pregnant women around the world, it appears that there are a variety of answers to the question: “What do pregnant women want?” (The New York Times)
One our fave NYC couples–Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis–were recently spotted in the city with their new baby, Otis. And the urban fam couldn’t be cuter! (Celeb Baby Laundry)
From the beach to the Continent, there are no shortage of family vacay options for summer that parents can also enjoy in their own way! (Elizabeth Street)
Wondering what the most popular baby names were on a state-by-state basis? The results are actually more homogenous than you might think! (HuffPost Parents)
Iconic 90s songstress Tori Amos is back with a new album–and she’s chatting about motherhood, music, and more! (Refinery 29)
Prepare for the upcoming chaotic summer season with a great roundup of DIY “life hacks” just for busy parents. (Mashable)
Talk about an awesome “push present!” It turns out that new parents can totally send their birth announcements to POTUS & FLOTUS and expect a signed reply. (Parents)
One mom’s struggles as she tells white lies in the name of getting the world (and her son’s school) to respect his choice to be vegan–what do you think? (Mommyish)
We love that awesome local mom Amy Poehler recently gave up her first class seat on an airplane to a mom with a new baby! (Crushable)