New book depicts journeys of two raindrops

Drought continues to beleaguer California, making it a good time to remind kids about our precious natural resources. In the beautifully illustrated “Pitter and Patter,” a new picture book by Martha Sullivan, readers — ages 4–10 — will quench their thirst for adventure as they marvel at the journey of two. While Pitter falls from a leaf to a stream and ocean, Patter travels through soil to an underground cave and finally reunites with Pitter at sea.

The friendly raindrops say “hello” to many insects and animals on the land and sea, all gloriously illustrated by Cathy Morrison. After the story ends, additional text explains how all of those April showers beget May flowers and other ways parents can bring the scientific concepts behind “Pitter and Patter” to life for their budding conservationists.

“Pitter and Patter” book by Martha Sullivan, $8.95 paperback, $16.95 hardcover,