Every new
mom has been through it before—the weird social phenomenon of mommy
dating. Let’s face it: motherhood can sometimes be a lonely stage of
your life. It’s important to find other women who can understand how
excited you get when your baby rolls over for the first time and, on
the flip side, can commiserate with you about getting five hours of
sleep a night. When I found myself on maternity leave and spending a
lot of time solo with my son, I was desperate to find other like-minded
women going through the ups and downs of new motherhood. Here are some
handy tips that I learned along the way.
Search out G.D. (geographically desirable) moms.
When you are a new mom,
the last thing you want to do is trek all over the city with your
newborn in tow. It helps to have mommy friends nearby, so that you can
stroll about together in your environs and, if necessary, run home if
an inconsolable baby meltdown happens. Also, sometimes a change of
scenery is just what the doctor ordered when you are getting stir-crazy
in your apartment. A playdate at another G.D. mom’s apartment around
the block or nearby can do wonders for your outlook.
Timing is everything.
You’d be surprised, but
your local Dunkin Donuts (or other local coffee house) at 6 am is a
great place to pick up other new moms. Pre-baby, I would be