The responsibilities of being a Mom these days are more complicated than ever. With a preponderance of urban Moms working outside the home, whether having vital careers or seeking that necessary paycheck, it’s more intrinsic than ever to be A Super Mom.
Kids seldom go off to their neighborhood school, or rather it’s not always the norm. Many schedules have to be worked out, meals have to be established and drop off and pick up arranged. Every one of these women deserves a standing ovation. I know because I have been one of them. This issue presents a number of really good articles, with a few of them celebrating mothers.
Of course it’s definitely the time of year when you should be making the summer camp or program decisions for your kids. It’s time to decide what they will be doing and where they will be doing it. Lots of good ideas in this issue, from our advertisers to the advice of our columns and articles.
Springtime in New York. Who doesn’t love this time of year? The trees are in bloom with blossoms and all the bulbs are up everywhere you look. It’s so refreshing to take off the heavy coats and boots and lighten up. The kids are loving it too! I see them in the parks and in the playgrounds and one gets the full sense of new found freedom from watching their play.
I wish every mother a Happy Mothers’ Day, whether she’s the mother of another mother and now a grandmother or pregnant with her first child and waiting for the birth day. It’s an amazing thing to be someone’s mother, and for sure has been the most illustrious part of my life. I’m certain that every mother could echo that sentiment.
Have a great month and thanks for reading.