The world has changed so much and being a parent to a pre-teen/teen these days offers far less control over their behavior and interactions than ever before. The world of electronics, social media, and instant connection has altered everything, plus the fact that kids are so much more astute than in past generations.
It’s still important that they have guidance and some degree of control, and this month we offer 15 tips for parents about pre-teen dating advice to help parents.
Keeping tabs on our kids gets more complicated all the time, but somehow we need to maintain structure and oversight. There is an enormous benefit for all concerned if we do, especially when they’re very young and needing boundaries.
Love is truly the answer. And real loving as parents is to lay the groundwork for healthy emotional, psychological, and physical well being. A complicated but worthwhile task. So many experts in a variety of fields help us to contribute to this effort through our editorial. It is intrinsic, and our devoted mission to make life and loving a healthier experience for both children and adults.
For this Valentine’s Day and every day in the name of love, I wish all of our young ones a more trusting experience with the men and women around them than many of the recent news items have revealed. Sexual misconduct and molestation of our kids has been a hidden reality for too long. Adults have covered up their crimes against our children and now the doors to their misdeeds are being opened. Very brave young men and women are at last telling their stories. Respectfully, we must help them in every way we can.
It takes a great deal of courage to grow up. It takes even more courage to help someone else grow up. It also takes devotion, patience, and belief.
Love is the answer. Thanks for reading.