The 2013 Ultimate Stroller Guide

When it comes to that all-important piece of parenting equipment—the stroller—moms and dads now have more options to choose from than ever before. Whether you favor style, ease of storage, stability, or the savviest bells and whistles, there’s a stroller out there to suit every parent’s needs and lifestyle. (If you prefer to view the 2013 Stroller Guide as a slideshow, click here.)

1. Bugaboo Cameleon3
The Bugaboo Cameleon3 is the third generation of Bugaboo’s multi-terrain stroller. Lightweight and compact, it features a redesigned unlocking system and a one-hand release for its new flat-fold bassinet, making it easy to store. The new design also provides more storage space. Two limited edition Cameleon3 models are still available: the sand-hued “Sahara” and “My First Car,” a collaboration with design team Viktor & Rolf featuring an anodized gray chassis.
Cameleon3 $979; Sahara $1,149; My First Car $1,600;


2. Eddie Bauer Trail Hiker 3 Wheel Travel System
This sturdy three-wheeler is built for easy maneuverability and stability, whether you’re navigating city streets or rough terrain. With a snap-in infant car seat, comfort grip handles, secure straps to prevent slippage, and an ample storage pouch, the Trail Hiker is ready to roll for kids up to 50 pounds.


3. Quinny® ZappTM Xtra With Folding Seat
Quinny listened to feedback from moms and made improvements to its Zapp Xtra model, now perfect for parents on the go. Travel and storage are easier now that the stroller can be folded very compactly with the seat still attached. With 360-degree rotating wheels, Zapp Xtra is a breeze to maneuver. It’s available in three fashionable hues—Natural Mavis, Rebel Red, and Rocking Black—and functions as a travel system when used with the Maxi-Cosi Mico® or Prezi® infant car seats.


4. BOB Motion
As the name suggests, the Motion is perfect for parents who are on the go. After 15 years of focusing efforts on jogger strollers, BOB’s first-ever four-wheel Motion stroller is a compact, lightweight, and durable alternative with plenty of storage space. With a one-hand, quick-fold frame that locks automatically, this stroller can be easily assembled or collapsed while you’re on the move. The pneumatic tires and rugged suspension system allow for smooth maneuvering on bumpy terrain, and the comfortable, infinite recline seat with a 5-point harness is sure to keep your little one safe and sound.


5. Mountain Buggy duetTM
This side-by-side stroller is the same width as a single, making it easy for city moms to navigate crowded streets and narrow doorways—not to mention its ease at curb hopping. A special new option is the joeyTM, a clip-on tote bag to replace the right-hand seat, enabling the duet to convert to single stroller with maximum storage and then back to a double to grow with your family. Other key features include adjustable and independent seat positions, compact fold, and car seat compatibility with duet travel system.


6. phil&teds navigatorTM
The navigator is phil&teds “go everywhere inline.” Changeable into eight different modes to help you adapt and survive parenthood—including a carrycot, a parent-facing seat, and a second seat to convert your single stroller to a double—the navigator has a sturdy design, easy-to-adjust reclining seats, and one-handed fast fold. On the style front, this all-terrain stroller combines premium fabrics, a sleek inline design, and an assortment of vibrant colors to choose from.


7. Britax B-READY
Britax’s modular B-READY stroller is sturdy and suitable for everyday use by NYC parents who do more walking than driving. With over 14 configurations, it can accommodate a second seat for another child and can fit all models of Britax infant seats, as well as of many other brands, with an adapter. Ample storage space—including a pouch that can be accessed from all four sides—an adjustable handle, and a wide array of accessories are available to personalize the stroller for each family’s needs.


8. 4moms Origami
4moms produces one stroller model: the high-tech Origami. It power-folds at the touch of a button and features a built-in generator that charges both the stroller’s electronic features and your cell phone as you walk. With daytime running lights, pathway lights for low-light conditions, sensors that detect when a child’s in the seat (so it’ll never fold by accident), and a handlebar LCD that shows the temperature, speed, and distance traveled, the Origami is the Starship Enterprise of stroller models.


9. Baby Jogger Summit X3
Offering splashy colors like Burnt Orange, Baby Jogger has redesigned and streamlined its all-terrain jogger with its new Summit X3 model. Folding easily with one hand, the Summit X3 features dual brakes, including a convenient hand brake for slowing while jogging downhill, and improved wheel suspension for a smooth ride. The multi-position canopy provides ample shade and has a peek-a-boo window and side ventilation.


10. Chicco LitewayTM PLUS
The Liteway PLUS is Chicco’s first-ever umbrella stroller compatible with its KeyFit line of infant car seats. Recommended from birth up to 40 pounds, its features include a five-position recline that can be adjusted with one hand, a 3D compact fold for easy storage and transport, and rear-wheel suspension to provide a comfortable, smooth ride for baby. The new model also comes with an adjustable canopy with a detachable weather panel and a large carrying basket.


11. Graco FastActionTM Fold Jogger Click ConnectTM
Graco’s first jogger is well-suited for city parents, combining the comfort and convenience of its traditional stroller models with the navigational ease of an all-terrain jogger. It accepts all Graco Click Connect infant car seats and features a multi-position reclining seat, trays for parent and baby, a smartphone cradle, reflectors for low light visibility, and a one-second, single step fold.


12. Peg-Perégo Book Plus
Peg-Perégo’s newest stroller, the Book Plus, is reversible and practical, enabling a transition from newborn to toddler with one stroller. The seat adjusts to several different positions, including a flat position for newborns, and can convert to a travel system by attaching the Primo Viaggio SIP 30-30 infant car seat. The Book Plus is easy to use and maneuver, featuring a one-piece handle, “easy drive” wheels, and a compact, easy close.


13. Kinderwagon Tandem Umbrella
Kinderwagon’s tandem umbrella stroller is lightweight, narrow, and easily collapsible for city parents who need a stroller suitable for their growing families. The front seat is suitable from 6 months and up to 50 pounds, with a two-position recline and leg rest. The rear seat is suitable for little ones from 3 months and can recline to 130 degrees. Features include one-touch double brakes, a removable canopy with two viewing windows, a rain cover, and a removable cup holder.


14. Summer Infant Fuze
The new all-aluminum Fuze stroller is lightweight, modular, and versatile—a practical option for city parents seeking a less weighty stroller and a smoother ride. Featuring reclining, forward, and rear-facing seats, plus a compact fold even with the seat attached, the Fuze comes in a variety of stylish colors and includes a universal car seat adapter. Try it with the compatible Prodigy Infant car seat with Smartscreen technology that puts the guesswork out of the installation.
$349.99, (Note: The Fuze debuts in March.) 


15. Snugli Stroller
This sleek, black, aluminum-framed stroller can be paired with Snugli Style Sets in funky colors with geometric, camouflage, and quilted patterns, enabling parents to customize their stroller’s style. The reversible and fully adjustable stroller can accommodate a variety of infant car seats by Snugli and other brands. For convenience, it features an oversized storage basket and a one-touch brake.
$449.99 (stroller), $49.99 (set),


16. Stokke® Xplory®
Featuring Stokke’s unmistakable high-rise look, Xplory has height and seat adjustments that allow it to grow with your child from up to 45 pounds, while offering rear and front facing views. It has a flat folding frame that weighs 23 pounds with the seat and puncture-safe wheels for tough city streets. The height adjustable handle provides ergonomic comfort for parents.


17. Combi® Catalyst
This 3-in-1 modular stroller has the versatility to function as a complete travel system, a bassinet stroller, and a toddler stroller. The infant car seat adapter is included and works with Combi’s Shuttle infant car seat and those of other major brands, The reversible seat has a weight capacity of 50 pounds. The unit’s other key features include one-hand adjusting, a large storage basket, and all-wheel suspension.


18. Schwinn Turismo
A single swivel wheel jogger, the Schwinn Turismo offers uncompromising safety standards and a great comfortable ride aided by a rubberized, adjustable, and slip resistant handle. With an exposed spring suspension, the stroller is compatible with many top infant car seats. Some extra perks include cup holders for parents and children and a built-in MP3 speaker to keep everyone entertained.


19. Evenflo JourneyLite
Travel System
The centerpiece of this multi-piece collection is a handy, easy-to-use stroller with helpful features like a parent console with covered storage, integrated headphone cord access, and a child’s tray that pivots for easy ins and outs. The stroller self-stands when folded—no bending necessary. You also get Evenflo’s Discovery Infant Car Seat and a free second car seat base as a part of the travel system.


20. CYBEX Onyx
The stylish and practical Onyx can transport a child from birth to 55 pounds, while the stroller itself belongs in the lightweight division, weighing in at a mere 16 pounds. It also features an easy four-position recline, rear-wheel suspension, a one-pull harness, and a super big canopy. Combined with the Aton Infant Car Seat, this model becomes a wonderful urban travel system.


21. Mamas and Papas Urbo
The Urbo has the three big qualities of great urban strollers: It looks good, is lightweight and really compact, and offers maneuverability and a comfortable ride. The seat can face both directions and lies flat for babies, and the model can be combined with a number of accessories to make it a versatile, stylish travel system. It also has a big rainbow of color options, ranging from Sand Castle to Turquoise.


22. UPPAbaby VISTA
Part sports car, part sport utility vehicle, this smart luxury stroller accommodates newborns up to 50 pounds and grows with your family by converting into an inline double if needed. The easy-to-handle model is a smooth rider with shock and suspension. It has a reversible seat and a simple one-step fold, with or without a car seat attached. It works with UPPAbaby’s new MESA car seat (launching in spring 2013) as well as other leading brands. The model comes with a bassinet and toddler seat, an extra large storage basket, and an extendable SPF 50+ sunshade.


23. bloom zen
The zen is one of the world’s slimmest and easiest-to-move full-size strollers. Its helpful features include a revolutionary one-hand retracting fold, multi-directional wheeling (which doesn’t require lifting) and free-standing when folded flat. Its fully integrated solar lighting system elevates road safety, and, when paired with the bloom yoga newborn nest (itself a 3-in-1 mobile travel bed, bassinet, and portable bouncer) or leading car seats like Graco, Maxi-Cosi, and CYBEX, the overall unit becomes a complete parent-facing travel system for modern parents.


24. Inglesina Trip 
The Trip has most features of a full-size stroller without the hefty price tag. Good for babies starting at 3 months and up to 55 pounds, its features include rear-wheel suspension (for an extra-smooth ride on not-so-smooth NYC streets), extendable canopy, roomy storage basket, padded bumper bar, four-position back rest, cup holder, soft ergonomic handles, and a peek-a-boo window. Plus, it includes a rain cover and comes in stylish colors such as purple, navy, yellow, green, and black.


25. Joovy® Zoom 360
A big jogger at a reasonable price, the Zoom 360, has a high push handle and a bigger and higher seat for better comfort and viewing. Other favorite features include a one-hand recline, a huge sun canopy, and a fully adjustable front swivel wheel (for maneuverability). Big news: With its new easy-to-use car seat adapter, the Zoom is now good for infants to 75 pounds with car seats from Graco, Chicco, and Peg-Perégo.

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<h1><strong>Summer Science Camps for Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals</strong></h1> <p>We offer a variety of workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school<br />and middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related<br />fields, such as biomedical research, drug development, pharmacy, bioengineering, or nursing.  Workshops are taught by PhD-level instructors with years of research and teaching experience. Camps are offered in summer and winter and there are online and in-person options available.  </p> <p>Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are disrupted or distorted during the development of disease. There is a heavy emphasis on experimental design, modern drug development, and the emergence of the era of personalized medicine. To conclude the workshop, students use what they have learned to create an original research project. More broadly, workshop attendees strengthen their academic skills, build their college portfolio, and explore potential career options while making friends from around the world and experiencing college dorm life in a safe environment.</p> <p>Our university-based workshops are held at Columbia University, Imperial College London, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego, and both residential and commuter options are available.   University-based workshops include Molecular Neuroscience, Molecular Biology of Cancer, Astrobiology, AI-Enhanced Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology of Aging, Neurological Bioinformatics, Molecular Immunology, Bioinformatics of Aging, and Bioinformatics of Cancer.  Biomedical Research – a workshop focused on learning modern molecular biology laboratory techniques - is taught at our lab in the Bay Area, CA.</p> <p>Our online workshops include Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics.  Intro to Cellular and Molecular Medicine is our entry-level workshop that is only two hours/day.  Students in the Medicinal Chemistry and Medical Bioinformatics workshops learn how to use online tools to analyze biochemical data.</p>

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